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词汇 strike
例句 The killer might strike again.凶手可能会再次突然袭击。The teachers are threatening to strike. 教师们威胁要罢教。The reporter wrote that the strike might last through the weekend.记者报道说罢工可能要持续整个周末。There was a great deal of rank and file supporting for the strike.基层非常支持这次罢工。The syndrome is more likely to strike those whose immune systems are already below par.这种综合征更容易对那些免疫系统已经低于正常水平的人构成威胁。We must strike while the iron is hot.我们必须打铁趁热。London's traffic was even worse than normal during the Tube strike.在地铁罢工期间,伦敦的交通状况甚至比平常更糟糕。The snake was about to strike.那条蛇正要发起攻击。He has begun a hunger strike in protest over political violence in Karachi.为了抗议卡拉奇的政治暴力,他已开始了绝食。It would give them a sure second-strike capability.这会使他们获得一种可靠的第二次打击能力。He starved to death in a hunger strike.他在一次绝食斗争中饿死了。If an ambulance crew goes on strike, it is putting people's lives at risk.假如救护车工作人员罢工,那就是把病人的生命置于危险境地。The strike inconvenienced many people.罢工给许多人带来了不便。Prisoners on hunger-strike were force-fed.绝食的犯人被强迫进食。If there is a single subject guaranteed to strike fear into the hearts of parents, it is drugs.如果有一样东西一定能把父母吓得心惊肉跳,那就是毒品。The roads were a nightmare as commuters were hit by a rail strike.乘车上下班的人受到铁路工人罢工影响,路上一片混乱。There was a lot of rank and file support for the strike.基层极支持这场罢工。After a three week strike, the company has finally accepted the workers’ pay demands.罢工进行了三个星期之后,该公司终于接受了工人们提出的工资要求。After the company announced plans to reduce benefits, the union threatened to retaliate by calling for a strike.公司宣布削减福利的计划之后,工会扬言要组织罢工进行报复。The transport strike had all sorts of repercussions on other industries.运输行业罢工给其他行业也带来了各种不良后果。The union has threatened to call a strike against the company.工会威胁公司说要下令举行罢工。It's very difficult to strike a happy medium and make it right for everybody.找到皆大欢喜的折中办法颇有难度。The strike threw the whole country into disorder.罢工使全国陷入混乱之中。The companies are biting their nails at the prospect of a national strike.面对全国性罢工的前景,各家公司都坐立不安。The administration has officially asked transportation workers to call off their strike.政府正式请求交通运输工人取消罢工。The drivers' demands were rejected, setting the stage for a prolonged transport strike.司机们的要求遭到拒绝,这就为延长交通罢工创造了条件。Air France pilots called a strike over the European harmonisation of their working hours.法国航空公司的飞行员举行罢工,抗议在欧洲范围内统一飞行员的工作时间。A strike will cause havoc for commuters.罢工将给乘车上班的人造成混乱。In the afternoon a second strike was flown off.下午,第二批空袭机组起飞了。The strike ruined my travel plans.罢工毁了我的旅游计划。There has been strong talk of a nationwide strike.有关全国性大罢工的谈论甚嚣尘上。Production was brought to a stop by the strike.罢工使生产停止了。The strike came after the negotiators ran out the clock.谈判超过了规定时间,罢工就爆发了。The rail strike is a problem for all commuters.铁路员工罢工对所有通勤者来说都是一个问题。Government employees and officers also stayed away from work during the strike.政府雇员和官员在罢工期间也没去上班。The ship might strike on the rocks.那艘船可能触礁。Her rudeness provoked me to strike her.她的粗鲁气得让我揍了她。He was finding it difficult to strike a balance between his family and his work.他发现家庭和工作两者很难兼顾。Even the union leaders hoped that the strike would die quietly.甚至连工会领袖们都希望罢工会无声无息地结束。The men have been on strike for several weeks.工人们已经罢工好几个星期了。




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