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词汇 leaked
例句 An important classified document has been leaked to the media.一份重要的机密文件被泄露给了媒体。We don't know how the transcript leaked.我们不知道文字本是怎么泄露出去的。Wind and rain leaked in through several tears in the canvas roof.风雨通过帆布顶的一些裂隙灌进来。Someone leaked the story to the press.有人把这个事情透露给了新闻界。The minister admitted that highly sensitive documents had been leaked to the press.部长承认,有高度机密的文件泄露给了媒体。A large diesel tank leaked its contents into the river.一个大柴油罐里的油漏进了河里。An article was leaked to the press that set the parliamentary subcommittee by the ears.一项条款被泄露给了媒体,使得议会小组委员会炸开了锅。So the news has leaked out already, has it?这么说消息已经泄露了,是吗?The letter must have been leaked to the media by a White House official.这封信一定是一名白宫官员泄露给媒体的。Opposition to the government has hardened as news of further scandals has leaked out.随着更多丑闻被披露,人们的反政府情绪变得更加强烈。Her eyes leaked continuously with the cold.她的眼睛因为感冒而不断流泪水。The Congressman was furious that the report had been leaked.这位国会议员对报告被泄露的事非常恼火。The President was not very happy that the information had been leaked to the press.这个消息泄露给了媒体,总统不太高兴。There was much glee among journalists over the leaked letter.曝光的信件让记者们乐不可支。Your secret appears to have leaked out.看来你的秘密已经泄漏出去了。News of their engagement was leaked to the press.他们订婚的消息泄露给了新闻界。Fumes leaked through the crack in the pipe.烟气从管子的裂缝处冒出来。The roof leaked and the plumbing didn't work.屋顶漏了,水管又坏了。The bottle had leaked in my bag and everything was sopping.我包里的瓶子漏水了,所有的东西都浸湿了。The cracked pipe leaked fumes into the room.那条破裂的管子使烟气泄露到房间里。Hundreds of gallons of oil leaked into the river.数百加仑石油漏入河里。Somehow the word seemed to have leaked out to the press.不知怎的,消息看来已透露给报界了。A secret memorandum had been leaked to the press.一份机密的备忘录被泄露给了新闻界。Industrial waste had leaked into the water supply.工业废料已经渗入了水源中。A mole inside the Department had leaked secret proposals to the press.该部门的一名内部人士向媒体泄露了秘密计划。A pail stood in one corner of the room to catch the drips where the roof leaked.房间的一角放着一个提桶,以接住从屋顶漏下来的水滴。The house was old and the roof leaked badly.房子旧了,屋顶漏得很厉害。A large diesel tank mysteriously leaked its contents into the river.一个大型柴油罐的柴油莫名其妙地泄漏到河里去了。According to leaked cabinet documents, no compensation would be paid.泄露的内阁文件指出不会有赔偿。Someone in the administration leaked the identity of an undercover CIA agent.政府中有人泄露了一名中情局秘密特工的身份。The pool's fiberglass sides had cracked and the water had leaked out.泳池四周的玻璃钢面开裂,水渗了出来。The roof leaked.房顶漏了。The story was leaked by an unnamed ministry spokesman.内情是未透露姓名的某部发言人泄露出来的。Eventually, news of the accident leaked out.最后,关于那场事故的消息传了出去。Serious damage control was needed after the information was leaked to the papers.信息泄露给报界后,需要采取严格的损失控制措施。Someone at the Pentagon leaked a letter from the Secretary of Defense.五角大楼内部有人将国防部长的一封信的内容泄露了出去。The gas had apparently leaked from a cylinder.气体似乎由一汽缸漏出。The secret was leaked to a reporter from the 'New York Times'.秘密被泄露给了《纽约时报》的一位记者。An anonymous tipster has leaked confidential government information to the press.一个匿名的泄密者向媒体透露了政府机密。The news soon leaked out.消息很快就泄漏出来了。




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