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词汇 Labour Party
例句 David Blunkett, speaking for the Labour Party, said more money should be spent on higher education.代表工党发言的戴维·布伦基特说应该在高等教育方面投入更多资金。The Labour Party hoped to enlist support from the middle classes by promising not to raise income tax.工党向中产阶级保证不提高所得税,希望以此获得他们的支持。In his political opinions he leans toward the Labour Party.他的政见倾向于工党。Will the Labour Party get back at the next election?在下届选举中工党会重新执政吗?Voters have come back to a renascent Labour Party.选民又回来支持东山再起的工党了。The trade unions were no longer the constituency of the Labour Party alone.工会不再单单支持工党。The Labour Party has not made the issue a high priority.工党尚未将该问题列为优先考虑的事项。What we would like to see is more realistic policies and less Labour Party spin.我们希望看到的是更多现实的政策,少些工党的舆论导向。He's been a keen supporter of the Labour Party all his life.他一生都是工党的热情拥护者。The Labour Party suffered a devastating defeat.工党遭遇了惨败。Enough people voted for the Labour Party to give the Conservatives a drubbing.有足够的人投票给工党,使之轻易战胜了保守党。There are indications that the Labour Party will win the next election.有迹象表明下一届选举工党将会取胜。The Labour Party contracted an alliance with the Liberal Democrats.工党与自民党签订盟约。This process is, in no sense, a divorce between the Labour Party and the trade union movement.这个进程绝不是工党和工会运动相脱离。The aim was to strengthen and revivify the Labour Party.目的是要让工党强盛起来,恢复活力。The Labour Party mounted a smear campaign against Livingstone before the election.大选前,工党向利文斯通发起了诽谤活动。The region holds no brief for the Labour Party.这个地区不支持工党。The Labour Party swept into on a tide of discontent over rising prices.在人们对物价上涨不满的浪潮中,工党轻而易举地重新当选执政。That was the year he broke with the Labour Party.那是他离开工党的一年。Early returns show that the Labour Party is in the lead.早期选举结果表明工党处于领先地位。She reentered the Labour Party last year.她去年重新加入了工党。Her membership of the Labour Party has lapsed.她丧失了英国工党的党籍。The local Labour Party has set its face against the scheme.当地的工党坚决反对这个计划。The Labour Party has moved to the right and become like your Democrat Party.工党已右倾化了,变得像你们民主党。A key figure in the sport is allegedly a long-standing contributor to Labour Party funds.一位在体育界举足轻重的人物据说是工党基金的长期捐助者。Wilkins spoke on behalf of the Labour Party.威尔金斯代表工党发言。Will the Labour Party get back at the next election?工党在下次大选中会重新上台吗?The Labour Party was led by Smith.工党由史密斯领导。They are faithful supporters of the Labour Party.他们是工党忠实的拥护者。The Labour Party is expected to sound a reformist theme at its next convention.预期工党将在下届代表大会上发表一个改革的主张。The Labour Party and the teaching unions condemned the idea.工党与教师联合会均谴责这一主张。The Labour Party must capture the imagination of young voters.工党必须激发年轻选民的想象力。On the whole the working class is still wedded to the Labour Party.总的说来工人阶级仍然拥护工党。To everyone's complete surprise, the Labour Party lost the election.工党落选了,大家都深感意外。He was beginning to regret his break with the Labour Party.他开始后悔脱离工党。The Labour Party is not immune to new ideas.工党也受到新思潮的影响。The mines were nationalized by the Labour Party.这些煤矿被工党收归国有。She was greeted by a large crowd of Labour Party supporters.她受到了一大群工党支持者的欢迎。The Labour Party has to be a broad church.工党必须能海纳百川,包容各种观点。Many Labour Party members believed that the ballot to elect a mayoral candidate was rigged.许多工党成员认为推选市长候选人的投票受人操纵了。




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