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词汇 keep out
例句 Businessmen are lobbying for a law to keep out foreign competitors.企业家们在对议员进行活动,争取制订一项抵制外国竞争者的法律。He was trying to keep out of the bird's line of sight.他企图避开小鸟的视线。People have been warned to keep out of the area to avoid contagion.人们已得到通知不要进入这一区域以避免接触传染。You keep out of this. It's none of your concern.不要插手,这不关你的事。The beret keeps out cold and rain and, when the weather is kinder, is easy to store.贝雷帽能够遮寒挡雨,天气好点时也容易存放。Peg down netting over the top to keep out leaves.用钉子把网固定在顶上,以阻挡落叶。Let's keep out of her way while she's in such a bad mood.她心情不好,我们不要打扰她。She closed the screen door to keep out the mosquitoes.她关上纱门防止蚊子飞进去。You must retrench to keep out of debt.你必须节省以免负债。They sandbagged their homes to keep out floods.他们在房屋周围堆沙袋以抵御洪水的侵袭。If necessary, the airship can stay up there for days to keep out of danger.必要时,飞艇能在那里停留数天以躲避危险。He bought a new security system to keep out intruders.他买了一个新的安保装置防止有人非法闯入。How did you manage to keep out of debt?你是怎样设法不欠债的?There are guards on the door to keep out (the) undesirables.门口有警卫,会把不受欢迎的人挡在门外。Peaceable people keep out of quarrels.平和的人不吵架。We did our best to keep out of the sun.我们尽量躲着太阳。This argument doesn't involve you, so you should just keep out of it.这场争论与你无关,所以你不要插手。An old tramp was sleeping under Waterloo Bridge, his coat wrapped tight to keep out the cold.一个年老的乞丐睡在滑铁卢大桥下面,他把外衣包得紧紧的,以抵御寒冷。I wish that interfering brother of yours would keep out of my affairs.我希望你那个爱管闲事的哥哥别来管我的事。Warm clothing helps to keep out the cold.保暖的衣服可以御寒。She gathered the shawl about her shoulders to keep out the wind.为了抵御风寒,她用披肩裹住了她的双肩。The boss is in an angry mood, so keep out of her way.老板正生气,躲着她。The city's defenses were not strong enough to keep out the invaders.这座城市的防御工事不够坚固,难以阻止入侵者。The windows were covered in wire mesh to keep out flies.窗户上装了纱网,防止苍蝇飞入。Windows were screened to keep out mosquitoes and flies.给窗子装上了纱窗以防蚊蝇。She stamped her feet on the pavement to keep out the cold.她在人行道上跺着双脚取暖。The curtains help keep out the drafts.窗帘也能挡风。He closed the windows to keep out the chill.他关上窗户不让寒气进来。You'd better keep out of these things.你最好别卷入这些事。While the fight was going on, she tried to keep out of the way.打斗的时候,她尽量避远点。But the walls and ceilings of tunnels often had to be lined to keep out water infiltration.但是隧道的墙壁和顶部常常必须加衬以防止渗水。You can adjust the blinds to keep out the glare.你可以调节百叶窗挡住耀眼的光。We were told to keep out of his office.我们被告知不得进入他的办公室。Make sure the kids keep out of the way while I'm working.要确保我工作时孩子们不来烦扰我。The shutters were closed to keep out the daylight.百叶窗关着,遮住了阳光。Windows were screened to keep out mosquitoes.窗户上装了纱窗以防蚊子。The ozone layer keeps out ultraviolet radiation.臭氧层隔离紫外线。Try to keep out of the sun.尽量避开阳光。The house has extra insulation to keep out the cold.这个房子有额外加上的隔热层抵御寒冷。The yard was fenced in to keep out wolves.院子用篱笆围起防止狼进来。




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