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词汇 Justice
例句 Justice was administered in a rough and ready fashion, without using courts or juries.审判以很简单的方式进行,没有经过法院,也没有陪审团参与。We expect that we'll have clearance from the Justice Department for the buyout in the first quarter of the year.我们希望第一季度的收购行动能得到司法部的批准。The trial judge, Mr Justice Mitchell, adjourned the proceedings.承审法官,米切尔法官先生,宣布休庭。The Palace of Justice - a terrible misnomer - was set on fire by the workers.正义殿—一个多么不恰当的名字—被工人放火烧了。Justice has long arms.天网恢恢,疏而不漏。Bill Justice is a park ranger at the Carlsbad Caverns National Park.比尔·贾斯蒂斯是卡尔斯巴德洞窟国家公园的管理员。Justice for all, irrespective of race or class, is everyone's right.正义不分种族和阶级,这是每个人的权利。The DEA and the Justice Department put a full-court press on the drug barons.毒品管理局和司法部向大毒枭发动全面攻势。A member of the Royal Commission on Criminal Justice, Miss Rafferty is well-placed to comment.作为刑事司法皇家专门调查委员会的成员,拉弗蒂小姐发表评论恰如其分。The panel levelled stinging criticism at the US Justice Department.特别小组对美国司法部提出了尖刻批评。In the main square the burnt-out shell of the Palace of Justice still smouldered.主广场上,内部已被烧毁的司法官仍在闷燃着。Lord Justice Scott will head the inquiry.法官斯科特大人将担任这个调查组的负责人。Judge Mr Justice Schiemann jailed him for life.法官席曼先生判处他终身监禁。Her behavior this week has solidified her support within the Department of Justice.她本周的行为使司法部成员坚定了对她的支持。The Equal Access to Justice Foundation serves the Northwest Texas service area.平等享用司法权基金会向得克萨斯西北服务区提供服务。Justice has prevailed; the guilty man has been punished.正义得到伸张;罪人受到了惩处。At that time, Robert Kennedy was head of the Justice Department.当时,罗伯特·肯尼迪是司法部长。The new Criminal Justice bill is expected to be put before Parliament next month.新刑事审判法预计将在下个月提交国会审议。The Chief Justice presides over the Supreme Court.首席大法官主管最高法院。Justice is personified as a blindfolded woman holding a pair of scales.正义的象征是一位蒙住双眼、手持天平的女子。A preliminary hearing was due to start today before Mr Justice Hutchison.今天按计划要由法官哈奇森先生主持一项预审。Justice should be administered fairly and impartially, without respect of persons.执法必须公正无私,不论是谁都一视同仁。The Criminal Justice Act would have all the villains under the cosh.刑事审判法将使所有的恶棍都俯首贴耳。Lord Justice Woolf will make recommendations for reform in his report.上诉法院法官伍尔夫将在他的报告中提出改革建议。Officials of the Justice Ministry leaked word that...司法部官员透露消息说… The rigidity on the part of the Ministry of Justice is what caused the early execution of the inmates on the death roll.法务部的食古不化是造成死刑犯被提早枪决的原因。The court decision represents an issue on which the president and the Justice Department strongly disagree.法庭的裁决提出了一项议题,总统和司法部对此议题持非常不同的意见。Justice mandates that we should treat all candidates equally.公平原则要求我们应该平等地对待所有的候选人。The Chief Justice administers the oath of office to the President at his or her inauguration.首席大法官在总统就职典礼上主持其宣誓仪式。Justice must be done in every case.每个案件都必须得到公正审理。Justice Cohen stated clearly that no further action would be taken.科恩法官明确地说明,不会有进一步的行动。The Justice Party in a sense was the residuary legatee of the old Democrats.正义党从某种意义上说乃是民主党遗老们的继承人。Court is now in session, Justice Raul Fernandez presiding.法庭正在开庭,审判由法官劳尔·费尔南德斯主持。Justice is personified as a woman with her eyes covered.正义之神是一个蒙住双眼的女性形象。Justice Department officials who reviewed his statement found it to be truthful.复查他的供述的司法部官员发现其内容属实。The Justice Department agreed to unfreeze the company's assets.司法部同意解除对这家公司资产的冻结。A preliminary hearing was due to start today before Mr Justice Hutchison, but was adjourned.今天法官哈奇森先生本来要主持一项预审,但暂时休庭了。The war was declared illegal by the International Court of Justice.这场战争被国际法庭宣布为非法。The report was written by a recently appointed judge, the Hon. Mr Justice Carlton.这份报告是由新近任命的尊敬的卡尔顿法官撰写的。Justice will prevail.正义必将取胜。




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