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词汇 tie in
例句 It's important to become acutely aware of how your eating ties in with your stress level.重要的是要深刻意识到饮食和压力之间的紧密关系。This ties in with what she has told me.这和她给我讲过的有关。The book was published to tie in with the TV series.这本书和电视剧同步出版。Louise herself had family ties in Nimes.路易丝本人在尼姆有亲戚。Our wedding had to tie in with David leaving the army.我们的婚礼要和戴维退伍的时间吻合。He wore a long white thing around his neck that tied in front in a floppy bow.他脖子上围着一长条白色物事,在前面打了个松垮的结。She wore a checked shirt tied in a knot above the navel.她身穿一件格子衬衫,衣角在肚脐上方打了个结。The teams were tied in the standings heading into last night's tilt.在进入昨晚的比赛前,参赛的两队在积分榜上不分上下。Add a length of ribbon tied in a bow.再用一段丝带,系个蝴蝶结。They won the tie in the first round and went on to win the cup.他们在第一轮淘汰赛中胜出,然后一路打下去,赢得了奖杯。The teacher tied in what she said with Lesson 12.老师把她所讲的和第12课联系在一起。The illustrations were cleverly tied in with the text.插图与文本配合得十分巧妙。 This line ties in with the main circuit.这条电线是通主要电路的。What he said ties in with the facts.他所讲的与事实相符。The candidates tied in the straw poll.这几位候选人在测验民意的假投票中所得选票相等。One lace had broken and been tied in a knot.一条带子已经断了,打了个结。His beliefs didn't seem to tie in with reality.他的信念与现实似乎是脱节的。The corn was cut and tied in sheaves.玉米收割后被捆成了捆。Your findings tie in with our own satellite observation reports.你的发现与我们自己的卫星观测报告是相符的。You'll find a nice range of silk ties in the menswear department on the fourth floor.在四楼的男装部,你会找到各种各样的丝绸领带。The publication of the senator's book was tied in to his announcement that he will run for president.在这位参议员宣布参加总统竞选之后,他的著作也配合着出版了。Their advertised bargains are usually tied in with some product that is very much in demand.他们广告上的便宜货通常与市面上的某种抢手货搭配在一起出售。 Louise herself had family ties in Nîmes.路易丝本人在尼姆有亲戚。Her description tied in with that of the other witness.她的描述和另一位目击者一致。This witness's information doesn't tie in with the facts.这个证人所提供的情况与事实不符。The rope was tied in a loose knot.绳子系了一个松松的结。This project ties in with the language research he is doing.该项目与他的语言研究结合在一起。The sticks were tied in bundles with wire.柴枝都用金属线一束束捆了起来。The candidates are presently tied in the polls.竞选者们目前得票率持平。AIDS education can be tied in with existing health education programs.艾滋病教育可以和现有的健康教育课程同时进行。This illustration is cleverly tied in with the content.这幅插图与内容配合得很巧妙。The Danes won that UEFA tie in a shoot-out.丹麦人在点球大战中胜出,赢下了那场欧洲杯淘汰赛。The book's illustrations tie in to/with the story very well.这本书的插图和文字配合得很好。Sometimes it is necessary to break family ties in order to protect the child.有时候为了保护孩子必须切断他和家人的联系。You'd better tie in your holiday arrangements with your work programme.你最好协调你的假日安排和工作计划。The teacher tied in what he said with last week's lesson.教师把讲课内容与上星期的课结合起来。




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