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词汇 tied up
例句 The traffic was tied up by the accident.事故使交通阻塞。 My money is tied up in a trust fund.我的钱搁死在一笔信托基金上了。There was a boat tied up at the jetty.栈桥上泊着一艘小船。The activity had us tied up for a whole week.这次活动让我们忙了整整一星期。He tied up the printer all morning, printing out copies of his presentation.他整个早上一直占着打印机打印他的报告。She kept Albert's letters in a bundle tied up with ribbon.她把艾伯特的信用丝带扎成一捆。He's tied up with his new book. He's working hard, you know.他正忙他那本新书。他在辛勤工作,您是知道的。The strike tied up the factory.罢工使工厂陷于瘫痪。More and more old people have capital tied up in a house.越来越多老年人的资金全让房子给套牢了。The boat tied up alongside the pier.船只在码头边靠岸停泊。Our capital is all tied up in property.我们的资金都套牢在了房地产上无法动用。The hostages were tied up with rope.人质被绳子捆绑着。Clara tied up all the books again and put the bundle under the desk.克拉拉又把所有的书都捆好,然后把这捆东西放在书桌底下。They were tied up with that big company.他们与那家大公司关系密切。Our firm is tied up with an American company.本行和一家美国公司有密切的业务联系。 Apart from a few loose ends that need to be tied up, everything has gone according to schedule.除了还有一些零星事务要处理,一切都如期进行。The young girl's hair was tied up with a red ribbon.这个小女孩的头发用一条红缎带扎了起来。He tied up the phone for an hour. 他占用了一小时的电话。I can't see you tomorrow – I'll be tied up all day.我明天没法见你 — 我一整天都忙得脱不开身。He tied up the bag and took it outside.他把口袋扎紧,拿到外边。The project has been tied up in political and legal knots for years. 由于陷入政治和法律的纠葛,这个项目多年来一直处于停顿状态。She keeps all his old letters, tied up in bundles.她把他所有的旧信件一捆捆地扎好并保存下来。The books were all tied up with tape.所有书籍都用布条捆扎了起来。The money was tied up in stocks.钱被投在股市里了。Our company has tied up with another firm to support the show.本公司已与另一家公司联合起来资助这次展览会。 The robbers tied up the clerk.劫匪把那名职员绑了起来。Traffic was tied up for hours/miles.交通堵了好几小时/英里。I felt like my insides were tied up in knots.我感觉自己的五脏六腑都绞在一起了。Martin and Jane got tied up in June.马丁和简于六月成婚。My money's all tied up in the house.我的钱全部套在房子上了。They tied up all of their money in their new business.他们把所有钱都投在了新的生意里。She's got her hair tied up in a bun today.今天她把头发挽成了小圆髻。I'd like to help but I'm a bit tied up at the moment.我很愿意帮忙,但是目前我脱不开身。The shortage of teachers is tied up with the issue of pay.师资缺乏和工资问题有密切联系。Mrs Bennett had been tied up and left in the back of the van.贝内特太太被绑起来丢在小型货车的后部。My money is all tied up in shares.我的钱都搁死在股票上了。 She has tied up her cash in the stock market.她的现金已搁死在股市上了。They tied up the hostages and put gags in their mouths.他们把人质绑起来,并堵上了他们的嘴。She tied up her things in a parcel.她把她的东西包在一个包里。Our university is tied up with an American University.我们大学和一所美国大学有密切联系。




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