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词汇 mob
例句 A mob of natives came running into the hut.一群土人跑进茅屋来。Promoters had oversold the show, creating a furious mob of barred ticket-holders.主办方售出过多演出门票,结果门外聚集了大量有票却无法入场的愤怒人群。The bodies were dragged outside, to the jubilation of the mob.在民众的欢呼声中,尸体被拖到了外面。The drivers were set upon by a mob, including several women, which showered them with stones.这些司机受到一群暴徒突袭,他们向司机猛扔石头,其中有些暴徒是女性。An angry mob tried to get at him but the police protected him.一伙愤怒的暴民试图接近他,但警察保护了他。He lashed the mob into a fury with his violent words.他那激烈的言辞煽起了人群的愤怒。He is said to be a member of the mob.据说他是犯罪集团的成员。He pushed his way through the mob.他从人群中挤过去。The mob broke into the family house while it was unattended and started four fires.暴徒在这家房子无人看管时闯了进去,并在四个地方点了火。During the riot the mob started stoning the British embassy.暴乱中,一群暴徒开始向英国大使馆扔石块。A mob of fans caused millions of pounds worth of damage in the area surrounding the stadium.一帮闹事的球迷在体育馆周围的区域造成了数百万英镑的损失。An angry mob ran him out of town.愤怒的暴民把他逐出城外。The mob did not venture to engage against musketry and cannon with their knives.那群暴徒不敢以刀剑来对抗滑膛枪和火炮。They used fire hoses to turn the mob.他们用救火水龙来驱赶闹事人群。The sale attracted a veritable mob of people.这次大减价着实吸引了一大群人。Their car was stoned by an angry mob.一伙愤怒的暴民向他们的车扔石块。On our walk, we were passed by a mob of bicycle riders.散步时,一群骑自行车的人从我们身旁经过。He's the mob's top banana.他是暴民的头头。He tried to pacify the mob.他试图安抚暴民。The act indemnified the peace officers if they killed any of the mob in endeavouring to suppress such riots.如果治安官员在力求平定这样的暴乱过程中杀了人,此项法规会给他们以法律保障。An angry mob screamed abuse and hurled missiles during clashes with police yesterday.在昨天与警方的冲突中,愤怒的暴民向警察又是辱骂又是投掷东西。They have been exercising what amounts to mob rule.他们一直在实行相当于暴政的统治。Troops were confronted by an angry mob.与军队对峙的是一帮愤怒的群众。The celebrity couple was pawed by a mob of adoring fans.那对明星夫妇遭到一群爱慕的粉丝乱摸。A mob armed with guns was at the border between the two republics, spoiling for a fight.一群持枪暴民聚集在两个共和国的边境上,急于开战。The situation is said to be critical and the army has been brought in to disperse the mob.据说情况非常危急,已调动军队来驱散暴民。The baton charge failed to disperse the mob.挥舞警棍的冲击并没能驱散聚众闹事者。The angry mob would have torn him limb from limb if the police hadn't protected him.要不是警方保护,他或许早已被愤怒的暴民撕成碎片了。The mob roughed up the speaker.暴徒殴打演讲人。They say he's a member of the mob.有人说他参加了犯罪集团。The mob battered down the door.暴徒们把门砸开。They were immediately surrounded by the mob.他们立刻被那帮暴民包围住了。Harrison successfully faced down the mob of angry workers.哈里森把那伙愤怒的工人压了下去。She pushed her way through the mob and confronted him face to face.她挤过骚动的人群和他迎面相对。An angry mob surrounded the palace.一群愤怒的暴民包围了皇宫。The centre of New Delhi was overrun by an armed mob which attacked government buildings.新德里市中心被一群袭击政府大楼的武装暴徒控制了。The police faced a mob throwing bricks and petrol bombs.警方面对的是一伙投掷砖头和汽油弹的暴民。The governor was hanged/burned in effigy by a mob of protesters. 总督的模拟像被一群暴民吊起/焚烧。A mob was rioting against the municipal government.一群暴民闹事反对市政府。Roman emperors could satisfy the mob with bread and circuses.罗马皇帝们可以用面包和马戏来取悦民众。




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