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词汇 moaning
例句 She's always moaning to me that she doesn't have enough money.她总是向我抱怨说钱不够花。He is always moaning about how tired he is.他总是抱怨如何如何累。I am sick and tired of hearing all these people moaning.我厌倦了听这些人大发牢骚。Brian was whirling like a dervish, slapping at the mosquitoes and moaning.布赖恩如同旋转舞蹈的托钵僧一样转来转去,一边拍打着蚊子一边抱怨不停。She was getting a little sick of his moaning.她对他哼哼唧唧的抱怨有点儿厌烦了。The other people in the queue were moaning and groaning.排队的其他人在不满地抱怨着。The gardener was moaning that he had another garden to do later that morning.园丁当时抱怨说,上午晚些时候他还要到另一个花园干活。He was a terrible complainer — always moaning about something.他特别爱发牢骚,老是抱怨这抱怨那。The children climbed into the bus, moaning and groaning.孩子们咕哝着登上了公共汽车。I thought it was a waste of time moaning about it.我觉得为这事发牢骚是浪费时间。He was a terrible complainer - always moaning about something.他特爱发牢骚,总是抱怨个没完。Oh stop being such a moaning minnie!哦,别再老是发牢骚了!There's no point in moaning and groaning about not having any money.为没钱而不停地抱怨是毫无意义的。He's always pissing and moaning about having to pay taxes.他总是不停地抱怨要缴税。I couldn't for the life of me see what the old git was moaning about.我怎么也想不明白这个老饭桶在抱怨什么。He's always moaning and groaning about his salary.他总是不断满腹牢骚地抱怨收入不高。It's a really cushty deal; I don't see why people are moaning about it.这样很好啊,我不明白为什么人们要抱怨。All was quiet, except for the wind keening round corners and moaning down the chimneys.一切都静悄悄的,只有风哀号着扫过街角,呼啸着钻进烟囱。He's always moaning that we use too much electricity.他总是抱怨我们用电太多。He's always moaning about his salary.他总是抱怨自己的薪水。They kept moaning on about their illnesses.他们不停地抱怨自己的病。My mum never stops moaning at me.我妈总是没完没了地冲我发牢骚。What are you moaning about now?你在嘟囔些什么?You're always moaning about money.你总是抱怨钱的问题。She's always moaning. It really gets on my nerves.她老是在呻吟,真令我心烦。He was constantly moaning and groaning about the poor pay.他老是在抱怨自己的工资少得可怜。It pisses me off when they start moaning about going to war.当他们开始对开战表示不满时,我很恼火。We were all moaning about the cold, rainy weather.我们都在抱怨这寒冷多雨的天气。They could hear the wind moaning in the trees.他们听到树林里风声呜咽。The gardener was moaning that he had another garden to do later that morning.园丁在抱怨说他上午晚些时候还得打理另外一个花园。For pity's sake, Jack, stop moaning.拜托,杰克,别再呻吟了。The children were moaning and groaning all morning, but their mother would not let them go outside.孩子们嘟囔了一早上,但妈妈就是不让他们出门。He does my head in with his constant moaning.他一直在抱怨,这让我很恼火。Shut up, you moaning whinger.闭嘴吧,你这个牢骚满腹的家伙。He is always moaning his luck.他老是抱怨运气不好。He lay on his back moaning, holding his broken arm.他托着断臂,呻吟着仰面躺下。Neil spent the entire evening moaning about his job - he just wouldn't let up.尼尔一整晚都在抱怨他的工作——说起来没完没了。She was still conscious and was moaning loudly with pain.她神志仍然清醒,只是痛得大声呻吟。He's always moaning.他老是呻吟个不停。I'm fed up with hearing you moaning the whole time!听你一天到晚发牢骚我都受够了!




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