例句 |
The supermarkets save the housewife endless jogs to the butcher.有了超市,家庭主妇不用没完没了地跑肉店了。She jogs every morning to get rid of her excess weight.为了减肥,她每天早晨慢跑。Hum the first bars and see if it jogs my memory.哼一哼开头几个小节,看我能不能想起来。Life normally jogs along placidly.生活通常是波澜不惊、平和安稳地继续着。She jogs round the park for half an hour every morning.她每天早晨绕着公园跑步半小时。She jogs three miles a day.她每天慢跑三英里。Turn left where the road jogs.到这条路急转弯处向左拐。By day she pumps iron in a gym and jogs.白天她在健身房里练习举重和慢跑。 |