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词汇 insurance policy
例句 The insurance policy has matured.这保险单已到期。I keep my insurance policy in the top drawer, along with my other important documents.我把保单连同其他重要文件放在最上面的抽屉里。Her father named her the beneficiary of his life insurance policy. 她父亲指定她为人寿保单的受益人。I have also taken out a life insurance policy on him just in case.为防万一,我还给他买了一份人寿保险。Keep this document with your insurance policy for future reference.把这份文件和保险单一起存好,以便以后参考。Skiers should be particularly choosy about the insurance policy they buy.滑雪者在选择购买保险的问题上应该尤其慎重。A life insurance policy enables you to provide for your family after your death.一份人寿保险能够使你在死后继续有钱养活家人。The insurance policy protects you against theft.你如遭窃,保险单将保证偿付你的损失。The insurance policy protects you against theft.你如遭窃,这保险单将保证偿付你的损失。Your insurance policy should take into account all foreseeable circumstances.你们的保险单应该把所有可以预见的情况考虑在内。A good insurance policy will cover the cost of goods lost or damaged in transit.一份完善的保险能够补偿运输过程中货物丢失或损坏的费用。Last year Asda joined the fray with a travel insurance policy.去年阿斯达公司凭借一款旅游保险产品加入了市场竞争。The insurance policy protects you against injury.如遭伤害,这保险单保证偿付你的损失。He took out a fire insurance policy for his house.他为自己的房子办理了一份火险保险单。I had never thought of buying an insurance policy, and I wasn't going to be forced into it by some young salesman.我从未想过要买保险,也不想让自己被某个年轻的推销员勉强去买。He faked his own death to collect on an insurance policy.他制造了自己死亡的假象,以骗取保险赔偿金。She didn't pay the premium and her life insurance policy lapsed.她未缴保费,人寿险保单失效了。He canceled his insurance policy last month.他上个月撤销了保单。This insurance policy gives blanket cover.这份保单包含全部保险项目。It did not occur to me to check my insurance policy.我没有想到去查一下保险单。The bank says we have to buy a life insurance policy before we can get a mortgage.银行说我们要先买一份人寿保险才能得到抵押借款。Check that your insurance policy covers breakages and damage during removals.查看一下你的保险单,看其是否对搬运过程中的破损和毁坏赔偿。The insurance policy covers the building for accidental damage.这份保单承保这座建筑的意外毁损。We bought legal protection as an add-on to our home insurance policy.我们购买了法律保障险,作为家庭财产保单的补充。Before filing a claim, ask your broker what impact it will have on your insurance policy.在提出索赔之前,要询问经纪人它会对保险单有什么影响。Supposing he's right and I do die tomorrow? Maybe I should take out an extra insurance policy.假设他是对的,我确实明天就会死,那该怎么办?也许我应该再买一份保险。You will be sent full details of the exclusions of your insurance policy.届时会给你寄上一份保险单的除外事项。An insurance policy was annexed to the contract.合同上附加了保险条款。His insurance policy gave him no indemnity against flood damage.他的保险单不承担水灾损失的赔偿。He had taken out a life insurance policy just a few weeks before he died.他在死前几星期刚签了一份寿险。It might be worthwhile to consider your attitude to an insurance policy.考虑一下你对投保的看法也许有所助益。She had no knowledge of the insurance policy on Todd's life.她完全不知道托德的人寿保险单一事。The household contents are covered by a separate insurance policy.家庭财物上了单独的保险。She added a rider to her life insurance policy that increased her coverage.她在她的寿险保单上又加了一条附文,扩大了她的投保范围。Failure to report any changes in your situation may invalidate your insurance policy.如未能及时通报个人情况变动,保险单有可能因此失效。Our company can provide you with an insurance policy that is tailor-made for you.我们公司可以提供给你量身订做的保单。




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