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词汇 Civil War
例句 His interest in the American Civil War impelled him to make repeated visits to Gettysburg.对美国南北战争的兴趣驱使他一次又一次参观葛底斯堡。Gellhorn may have broken new ground when she filed her first report on the Spanish Civil War.当盖尔霍恩发出她第一篇关于西班牙内战的报道时,她也许已经开辟了一片新的天地。During the American Civil War, my great-grandfather threw in his lot with the Confederacy/Union.美国南北战争期间,我的曾祖父全力支持南部邦联/合众国。The American Civil War was the first to see railways used as an adjunct to military operations.在美国南北战争中,铁路被首次用来辅助军事行动。During the Civil War, Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus.内战期间,林肯总统中止了人身保护令。The custom began during the Civil War.这种习俗起源于内战时期。The museum's Civil War archives are valuable.这个博物馆里有关内战的档案弥足珍贵。He lived at the time of the Civil War.他生活在内战时期。As we saw in Chapter 4, slavery was not the only cause of the Civil War.正如我们在第四章所见,蓄奴制不是内战的唯一起因。Tomorrow you'll be tested on the main events of the Civil War.明天要考你们美国内战时发生的重要事件。This evening PBS presents the first part of a six-part historical drama about the Civil War.今晚,美国公共广播公司将播放描写内战的六集历史剧的第一集。Her husband served during the Civil War as an officer in the White Army.她丈夫在南北战争时期是一名白军军官。His grandfather fought on the Republican side in the Spanish Civil War.他祖父在西班牙内战中加入共和派军队作战。The American Civil War was between the North and the South.美国南北战争即南北方之间的战争。The arrival of the railroads after the Civil War produced a huge building boom in California.内战以后铁路的出现,在加州掀起了一股巨大的建筑热潮。He is the foremost authority/scholar on the American Civil War period.他是美国南北战争史方面的顶级权威/学者。We learned about the social and economic background of the American Civil War.我们学习了美国南北战争的社会和经济背景。There were more than a million men under arms during the American Civil War.美国内战期间有一百多万男子参战。My grandfather arrived in New York after the Civil War.我祖父在南北战争之后来到纽约。This book offers no coherent narrative of the American Civil War.这本书并没有对美国内战进行连贯的叙述。The Republicans were heavily defeated in the Spanish Civil War.共和军在西班牙内战中遭到重创。They've just finished making a movie about life during the Civil War.他们刚拍完一部描写南北战争期间生活的影片。The group reenacted a famous American Civil War battle.这个演出团体再现了美国南北战争中一场著名战役。More Americans died in the Civil War than in World War II.内战中死亡的美国人比第二次世界大战还多。The book provides a chronology of the events leading up to the American Civil War.这本书提供了引发美国南北战争的事件的大事年表。The book has an action-packed plot dealing with life during the Civil War.这本书情节复杂,写的是内战时期的生活。I have to write a report on the Civil War for homework.我的家庭作业是写一篇有关美国内战的报告。He fought on the republican side in the Spanish Civil War.他在西班牙内战中为共和派作战。The American Civil War was fought between the North and the South partly over the issue of slavery.美国南北战争在一定程度上是南北之间围绕奴隶制问题展开的战争。She belongs to the Association for the Preservation of Civil War Sites她是内战旧址保护协会的会员。The class surveys American history before the Civil War.这节课概述了南北战争前的美国历史。I looked the Civil War up in my encyclopedia.我在我的百科全书里查了美国内战。The book chronicles the events that led to the American Civil War.这本书按时间顺序记载了引发美国南北战争的事件。The movie is a true account of the only American soldier to be shot for cowardice since the Civil War.这部影片讲的是美国内战开始后唯一一名因胆怯而被枪毙的士兵的真实故事。With the arrival of the railroads after the Civil War, more and more people began moving west to California.内战结束后随着铁路的出现,越来越多的人开始向西迁移到了加州。His forebears fought in the American Civil War.他的祖先曾参加过美国南北战争。This book gives the background of the Civil War.这本书叙述了南北战争的背景。The North defeated the South in the American Civil War.美国内战中北方各州战胜了南方各州。There were food shortages and other deprivations during the Civil War.南北战争期间食品短缺,物资匮乏。The greatest engagement of the Civil War was at Gettysburg.南北战争最大的一仗是在葛底斯堡打的。




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