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The road was in bad repair in parts.公路的部分路段路况很差。The movie is good in parts.这部电影的某些部分不错。The text is good in parts, but suffers from discontinuity.这篇文章的有些部分还不错,但缺乏连贯性。Some parts of your speech were excellent. = Your speech was excellent in parts.你演讲中有些部分非常精彩。The disease is endemic in parts of northern Europe.这种疾病在北欧部分地区流行。Some critics said the show was good in parts - those less charitable said the whole thing was a disaster.有些批评家说演出有些部分还不错——而那些不那么厚道的批评家则说整场演出都糟透了。Violent crime is now endemic in parts of Chicago.暴力犯罪现在成了芝加哥一些地区无法根除的问题。The play was good in parts but generally the acting lacked sparkle.这出戏有些部分还不错,但就总体而言,表演方面缺乏亮点。 |