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例句 Travel is infinitely more comfortable now than it used to be.现在旅行比过去舒服多了。Your health is more important than anything else.你的健康比什么都重要。He has more chance than ever.他从来没有这样的大好机会。No sooner had I walked in the door than the phone rang.我刚进门电话就响了。The company's management is prepared to sit out the strike rather than agree to union demands.公司管理层准备硬撑到罢工结束,而不会同意工会的要求。I choose rather to hesitate my opinion than to assert it roundly.我喜欢把我的意见讲得含糊一些,而不愿直截了当地把它讲出来。The family of the victim blame a hospital system more concerned with cost-cutting than with care.受害者家属指责医院的制度更关心成本削减而不是如何照顾病人。Jan beckoned to me, but I knew better than to sit next to her.简向我招招手,可是我明白,不能坐在她身边。Bob is shorter than his younger brother.鲍伯比他弟弟矮。Today's meeting proved more fruitful than last week's.今天的会议证明比上星期的有成效。The film is more of a fantasy than a horror story.与其说这是一部恐怖片,不如说是一部幻想片。He will find his every step more harshly spotlighted than has been the case previously.他会发现与以往相比,他的每一步都会吸引人们更加密切的关注。There's more good than bad in him.在他身上,善多于恶She sings better than I do.她唱得比我好。Joe carries only nine pounds more than when he was twenty.乔只比二十岁时重了九磅。The store is more than happy to deliver goods to your home.商店很乐意把货物送到你的家里。The letter is easier to read in typescript than in handwriting.这封信的打印件比手写的容易看。Some of the houses were no more than ruins.这些房屋中,有些只是废墟。A good negotiator always has more than one ace in the hole.谈判高手总有数张王牌在手。The program has some nice features that make it more usable than most.该程序的一些优点使它比大多数其他程序的用处大。Such odours repel rather than invite.这类气味使人讨厌而不是使人喜欢。If anything, he looks younger and fitter than he did before.要说他有什么变化,那就是比过去更年轻、更健康了。Box-office success mattered more than artistic merit.票房的成功比艺术价值更重要。They put emphasis on quality rather than on quantity.他们重质不重量。She has more cats than you can shake a stick at. 她养的猫多得数都数不过来。His success owes more to luck than skill. 他的成功更多的是依靠运气而不是技能。They've just launched a new generation of computers that are much more powerful than earlier models.他们刚刚推出了比旧款功能强大许多的新一代计算机。You have even worse luck than I do.你甚至比我运气还差。Last winter's snowfall was heavier than usual.去年冬季的降雪量比往常大。Their band is less concerned with making music than with making money.他们的乐队更关心的是赚钱,而非音乐创作。The ancient canal is now little more than a muddy ditch.这条古运河现在仅仅是一条烂泥沟。Tom had sooner live in the city than on a farm.汤姆宁可住在城里而不愿住在农场。Of course public transportation is more environmentally friendly than cars, but it needs to be efficient or people won't use it.公共交通当然比汽车环保,但是公共交通需要有效率,否则人们不会使用。His operas repay much closer listening than his concertos.他的歌剧远比他的协奏曲更值得听众全神贯注地欣赏。The councils have little more than a decorative advisory function.各委员会仅有一点装装门面的咨询作用。It is far better to cry than to bottle up your feelings.哭出来比憋在心里要好得多。His children find European numbering simpler than the Chinese system.他的孩子觉得欧洲人使用的编号方式比中国人的系统简单。It's a beautiful cottage not more than five minutes from the nearest beach.那是一座漂亮的小房子,离最近的海滩至多五分钟的路程。The truth is that they appoint no more than a token number of women to managerial jobs.事实上他们只装装样子,任命了一些女性担任管理工作。The department has already spent more than its allotted budget.这个部门的开支已经超出了分配的预算。




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