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词汇 infiltrated
例句 The gang was infiltrated by undercover agents.警方的卧底打入了这个团伙。Everyone knew the organization had been infiltrated by government agents, but could not prove it.每个人都知道组织内部混进了政府的特工人员,但无法证实。A small group of neo-Nazis have infiltrated the ranks. We must weed them out as soon as possible.队伍中混入了一小撮新纳粹分子,我们必须尽快将其清除。The street protests had been infiltrated by people bent on violence.街头抗议的人群中已经渗入了一些倾向于暴力的人。Some countries have infiltrated their agents into the Republic.一些国家已派间谍渗入了该共和国内部。Two undercover officers purporting to be dealers infiltrated the gang.两位伪装成毒贩的密探打入了那个团伙。These terms have infiltrated our vocabulary.这些术语已融入我们的词汇之中。The movement has been infiltrated by anarchists.这一运动当中混进了无政府主义者。The Communists effectively infiltrated the government and the political parties.间谍有效地潜入了政府以及各政治党派。Activists had infiltrated the student movement.激进分子已经渗入到了学生运动中。A CIA operative had infiltrated their ranks.一位中央情报局的特工打入了他们的队伍。CIA agents infiltrated the group, looking for alleged subversives.中央情报局特工渗透进该组织,寻找有嫌疑的颠覆分子。The intelligence staff had been infiltrated by spies.谍报人员中间混进了间谍。The movement is getting infiltrated with the result that militancy is a joke and protest an afterthought.这场运动正受到渗透,结果使得战斗性云云成为一句空话,抗议活动也变得可有可无了。The blood is infiltrated into the disorganized tissues and dark blotches appear on the skin.血液渗入已遭破坏的组织,皮肤上出现深色斑点。An attitude of cynicism has infiltrated the staff. 员工们变得愤世嫉俗起来。




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