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词汇 sweaty
例句 Downstairs in the windowless basement, where the real work is done, it is sleazy and sweaty.工作实际上在楼下没有窗户的地下室里完成,又脏又累。My clothes are all sweaty from my workout.运动后我的衣服被汗水湿透了。She was hot and sweaty and had a racing heart.她热得汗流浃背,心怦怦狂跳。I'm all hot and sweaty. I think I'll take a shower.我热得满身是汗,想洗个淋浴。We came home hot and sweaty after the day's work.一天工作之后,我们回到家时热得满身是汗。I tore my sweaty clothes off and jumped into the shower.我匆匆脱下汗津津的衣服,跳进淋浴间。He woke up feeling sweaty and shivery.他一觉醒来感觉浑身是汗,而且还发抖。She rushed in, her face red and sweaty and her hat awry.她冲了进来,满脸通红、一头大汗,帽子都歪了。I'm all sweaty.我浑身是汗。Powdering a sweaty nose will only block up the pores and make the skin more uncomfortable.往出汗的鼻子上扑粉只会堵塞毛孔,使皮肤更加不舒服。He was a short fat guy with big sweaty hands.他是一个又矮又胖的家伙,一双大手汗津津的。After working in the garden all day, I felt sweaty and grungy.在花园里劳动了一天,我大汗淋漓,浑身邋遢。I'm so sweaty the plaster won't stick.我出汗太多,膏药贴不上。He took off his shoes to cool his sweaty feet.他脱掉鞋晾一晾出汗的脚。The equipment manager collected the sweaty uniforms and took them down to the hotel laundry.设备经理把汗湿的制服收起来,送到宾馆的洗衣房里去。We were hot and sweaty after playing basketball.打完篮球后我们很热,浑身是汗。Ugh! You're all sweaty and horrible!啊!你全身都是汗,太难闻了!Her forehead was sweaty from the pain.她疼得额头上全是汗。Her face glowed with a sweaty sheen.她脸上的汗水闪着光。She was hot and sweaty.她热得大汗淋漓。I was boiling hot and sweaty.我浑身滚烫,大汗淋漓。His collar chafed against his sweaty neck.领子摩擦着他汗津津的脖子。He wiped his sweaty palm.他擦了擦满是汗水的手掌。He felt sweaty with embarrassment.他尴尬得出了一身汗。




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