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词汇 Sweden
例句 I met Pia in Sweden and we've stayed in touch ever since.我在瑞典认识了皮娅,此后我们一直保持联系。Sweden and Switzerland were neutrals during the war.在战争期间,瑞典和瑞士是中立国。Sweden leads the world in safety legislation.瑞典在安全立法方面世界领先。She fled the country, and is now seeking asylum in Sweden.她逃离了该国,目前正在瑞典寻求庇护。He was granted political asylum in Sweden.他在瑞典获得政治避护。There aren't too many events in which Sweden has the drop on America, but this is one of them.瑞典强于美国的比赛项目不多,但这个是其中之一。Sweden was trailing by 2 games to 1.瑞典队以二负一胜落后。Sweden isn't likely ever to abandon its traditional neutrality.瑞典永远不可能放弃其传统的中立立场。Sweden has always had a mixture of private enterprise and state control in its economy.私营企业与国家调控一直共存于瑞典经济中。Sweden came close to upsetting Brazil during their match in Stockholm.瑞典队在斯德哥尔摩的比赛中差点爆冷击败巴西队。Sweden is often held up as an example of a successful social democracy.瑞典经常被视为社会民主主义的成功典范。The Commission can't demand from Sweden more than it demands from its own members.委员会对瑞典的要求不能比对自己的会员国要求都多。He holds joint citizenship in Sweden and Peru.他拥有瑞典和秘鲁双重国籍。They are in Sweden to commentate on the European Championships.他们在瑞典为欧洲锦标赛作解说。Sweden were the eventual winners of the tournament.瑞典是锦标赛的最后赢家。We crossed over the river into Sweden.我们渡河到了瑞典。During World War II, Sweden was neutral.在第二次世界大战期间,瑞典是中立国。Sweden allows gay partners to receive many of the benefits awarded to heterosexual married couples.瑞典允许同性恋伴侣享受异性夫妻可以得到的许多福利。We were happy to come away with a draw against Sweden.我们很高兴能和瑞典队战平。She uses the office phone to phone up her friends in Sweden.她用办公室的电话打给她在瑞典的朋友。His cover story was that he had to go to Sweden on business.他的借口是要出差到瑞典去。The European Union's rotating presidency passed from Sweden to Belgium.欧盟轮值主席国由瑞典换成了比利时。It would be great to get a recall to the England squad for Sweden.若能够被召进英格兰队参加对瑞典的比赛那就太棒了。Sweden has frontiers with Norway and Finland.瑞典的边界与挪威和芬兰相接。They have very strict gun control in Sweden.瑞典对枪支实行非常严格的管制。Sweden needs to cast aside outdated policies and thinking.瑞典必须摒弃过时的政策和思维。Sweden's number one model has married American actor Tommy Haines.瑞典头号模特儿嫁给了美国演员汤米·海恩斯。Sweden seemed a desperate outpost at the ends of the earth.瑞典好像是一个位于天涯海角的极其偏远的国度。He was born in Sweden, but he doesn't have Swedish citizenship.他在瑞典出生,但没有瑞典公民身分。Sweden needs to cast aside outdated policies and thinking.瑞典需要丢弃过时的政策和思维。He was Sweden's only soldier to be killed by enemy fire in the Second World War.他是瑞典军队在第二次世界大战中死于敌军炮火的唯一一名士兵。Shirley's brother is now a consultant heart surgeon in Sweden.雪利的兄弟现在在瑞典做心脏外科高级顾问医师。The animal is found in the northern regions of Sweden.这种动物可以在瑞典北部地区找到。Germany beat Sweden 5-3 in a thrilling World Cup qualifying goal fest. 这场惊心动魄的世界杯预选赛中进球颇多,最后德国以五比三打败瑞典。Any country,let us say Sweden,might do the same.任何一个国家,比如说瑞典吧,可能也会这么做的。The national mind-set in Sweden made the reform easier than it was in most countries.瑞典国民的心态使这项改革在瑞典比在大多数国家来得容易。




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