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词汇 in fact
例句 Fresh evidence has recently come to light that suggests that he didn't in fact commit the murder.新近发现的证据表明那起凶杀案并不是他干的。For years people thought the picture was a genuine Van Gogh, but in fact it's a fake.多年来人们都以为这幅画是梵高的真迹,但它实际上是赝品。Most people in fact got full marks in one question and zero in the other.事实上大多数人都会在一个问题上得满分而在另一个问题上得零分。Although he seems to be an old-fashioned non-conformist, he is in fact a very devout Catholic.虽然他看起来像守旧的新教徒,实际是非常虔诚的天主教徒。I'm not a fan of parties - in fact I avoid them like the plague.我对聚会不感兴趣——实际上,我害怕聚会如同害怕瘟神。The pigs in fact were putting on weight if anything.那些猪事实上倒更像是在长膘呢。The peak months for drink-drive offences are, in fact, July, August, October and November.实际上,酒后驾车的高发月份是七、八、十、十一这四个月。She was so nervous about her examination results, but in fact she passed with flying colours.她对自己的考试成绩感到很不安,但实际上她考得很好。I used to live in France; in fact, not far from where you're going.我以前住在巴黎;事实上,离你要去的地方不远。No, I'm not too upset that he left – in fact, I was glad to see the back of him.才不呢,他走了我并不太难过 — 其实我很高兴他走了。Everyone accepted she was telling the truth, although in fact this was quite a lot to assume.每个人都认为她在讲真话,虽然实际上有很大程度是想当然的。Larry doesn't own a car – in fact, he doesn't even know how to drive.拉里没有车,实际上,他甚至根本不会开车。Recent studies show that many people who think they are suffering from bowel disease might in fact be lactose-intolerant.最近的研究显示许多认为自己肠道有问题的人其实是对乳糖不耐受。Pearl didn't mind his reticence; in fact she liked it.珀尔并不介意他沉默寡言;事实上,她喜欢这一点。The rumour is without foundation in fact.这谣传毫无事实根据。I decided that it would in fact be cheaper to buy than rent.我认为实际上买可能比租更便宜。I was worried that they wouldn't like each other but in fact they're getting on like a house on fire.我之前还担心他们会合不来,实际上他们却一见如故。You might think that people who don't worry about their diet are fatter and more unhealthy; in fact, the reverse is true.你也许会认为不担心自己饮食的人会更胖更不健康,实际情况却刚好相反。He said it would be cheap but in fact it cost over £200.他说很便宜,可实际上要二百多英镑。This is a common fallacy which has no basis in fact.这是一个没有事实依据的常见谬误。The money was in fact payment by the CIA for services rendered.这些钱其实是中央情报局付给的工作报酬。My mom was in fact quite independent. She had always had a job and her own bank account.我妈妈实际上相当独立。她一直有工作,一直有自己的银行账户。What some people call meanness is in fact economic prudence.被有些人称为吝啬的行为实际上是勤俭节约。Some would argue this was no burden in fact, and that she should count her blessings.有些人会说,这实际上根本不是负担,她要知足才好。The lungs are in fact constructed of thousands of tiny tubes.肺实际上由上千条细微的气管构成。I didn't feel sleepy at all – just the opposite, in fact.我一点都不困 — 事实上正好相反。She seemed rather aloof when in fact she was just shy.她看似孤傲不群,可实际上只是腼腆。Many of the industries chosen for government investment have in fact already gone bankrupt.许多被选为政府投资项目的企业实际上已经破产。There is no evidence whatever to show that this is in fact the case.根本就没有任何证据表明这就是实际情况。No, I'm not tired. Rather the opposite in fact.不,不累。恰恰相反,我感觉精力还很充沛。But was it, in fact, a hideous goof?但事实上这是否是个弥天大错?People think that the investigation was independent, but in fact a lot of political manipulation went on.人们以为调查是独立进行的,但事实上有很多政治力量在操控。Most people expected the boys to do better than the girls but in fact it was the other way round.大多数人都认为男孩子会比女孩子成绩出色,但事实上却恰恰相反。They weren't bothered – in fact they were killing themselves laughing.他们并不在意,事实上他们还笑得要死呢。They made it out to be a really interesting job, but in fact it was ridiculously boring.他们把这工作说成很有趣,但实际上这工作乏味得离谱。These charges have no foundation in fact. 这些指控毫无事实根据。In her book, she gives the impression that she was a close friend of the Prince, but in fact she only met him twice.在她的书中,她让人觉得她是王子的密友,但其实她只见过他两次。Historical records show that Macbeth did in fact exist.历史记载表明麦克白确有其人。She's a friend of mine, a very close friend in fact.她是我的朋友,实际上是非常亲密的朋友。I don't mind the heat, in fact I quite like it.我不介意炎热的天气,事实上我还挺喜欢的。




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