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词汇 impress with
例句 I am very impressed with Brian Hanlon, who seems a switched-on sort of guy.我对布赖恩·汉隆非常钦佩,他似乎是个紧跟音乐潮流的家伙。I truly am impressed with your work.我对你的作品真的印象很深刻。The guests were all duly impressed with Jack's cooking.杰克的烹调给客人们留下了不错的印象。All of Lucy's teachers said that they were impressed with her progress.露西的所有老师都说对她的进步印象深刻。He was very impressed with her house.他对她的房子印象非常深刻。Visitors will be impressed with the enormous range of collectable objets d'art on offer.游客将会对众多可供选择的艺术珍品留下深刻印象。She's not very impressed with them.她对他们没什么印象。Frankly I was none too impressed with the standard of the workmanship.坦白讲,我对这个工艺标准不太满意。I was very impressed with the talent of Michael Ball. He will go far.我对迈克尔·鲍尔的才华印象非常深刻,他将来会前途无量。We were very impressed with the machine's ergonomics.我们对这台机器的工效印象颇深。My professor read over my dissertation and said that he was very impressed with it.我的教授仔细地看了我的论文,说他对论文的印象很深。I'm very impressed with what's happening.目前发生的事给我很深的印象。You'll be impressed with the brightness and the beauty of the colors.色彩的明艳美丽会让你大饱眼福。I was impressed with her good citizenship.她的好品德给我留下了很深的印象。He's very impressed with your credentials; he'd like you aboard.他对你的资历印象非常深,很想拉你来参加工作。My mother was impressed with Tony's good manners.我妈妈对托尼的礼貌举止印象深刻。Others seemed equally impressed with his work.其他人似乎也同样被他的作品打动。You'll be impressed with the brightness and the beauty of the colours.鲜艳亮丽的色彩会给你留下深刻印象。We felt at home with her and were impressed with the depth of her knowledge.我们与她在一起很自在,而她渊博的知识令我们叹服。I was impressed with his deep sincerity.他为人至诚,给我留下了深刻印象。The track coach was impressed with her quickness.田径教练对她动作的敏捷印象深刻。As we entered it, I was impressed with its details and exquisite beauty.我们进去后,里面的细节和绝美给我留下了深刻印象。He was quite favourably impressed with the new French commander.他对新来的法国指挥官印象不错。




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