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例句 She chose Sunday for her departure.选定星期日动身。She finally settled on the red dress.最后她选定了那件红色连衣裙。How did you land up studying astronomy?你为何最终选定学天文学呢?When you select an article, you can add filtering.选定一个项目后,您可以添加筛选。A good planner will help come up with a good investment mix for your retirement savings.一位好的规划师会帮助你选定一个合理的养老储蓄投资组合。The offer of a full scholarship made his choice of colleges a no-brainer.因为有全额奖学金,他没过多考虑就选定了大学。He decided on blue rather than green.选定了蓝色,没选绿色。It seemed that he had already been anointed as the Marshal's successor.看来他已经被选定作为元帅的继承人。The populist party anointed him as its candidate.平民党选定他做候选人。Traditionally, the president designates his or her successor.按照传统,总统要选定其接班人。She hasn't yet set a date for her marriage.她还没选定结婚的日子。The President's designated successor is his son.总统的选定继承人是他的儿子。We had last-minute doubts about the man we had chosen as our representative, but the die was cast.在最后一分钟,我们对已选定的代表还有疑虑,但木已成舟。He chose the army as his calling.选定从事军职。They finally plumped for the new house rather than the old one.他们最终还是选定要新房子,不要旧房子。He did well in his chosen profession.他在自己选定的职业中干得很出色。Kubo is slated to become Japan's next finance minister.久保被选定为日本下一任经济财政大臣。Finally, she decided on a pink dress.最后,她选定了一件粉红色的洋装。The time has come for us to take a firm stand.我们选定立场的时候到了。Children are deliberately targeted.有意选定儿童作为目标。York was selected as the site for the research centre.约克被选定为研究中心的所在地。She was tapped to be police commissioner.她被选定为警察局长。We selected these two locations because they offer a range of services.我们选定这两个地点是因为它们提供一系列的服务。When are you going to name the day?你们什么时候选定结婚吉日?The despot claimed to be the chosen instrument of divine providence.专制者声称自己是上天选定的统治工具。Quinn has been named as the new team manager.奎因被选定为球队新的主教练。It would be invidious to select a haphazard list of names.随便选定一张名单是有害的。I haven't picked my team yet for the new project.我还没有选定参与新项目的队伍成员。Republicans have targeted precincts throughout the country.共和党人在全国各地都选定了目标选区。She is slated to become the company's next president.她被选定为公司下一任总裁。I'm going for a job the Labour picked out for me.我正在争取一份由劳工介绍所为我选定的工作。The book was chosen in consultation with a panel of experts.这本书是与专家组协商后选定的。She was adopted as Labour candidate for Stoke-on-Trent.她被选定为特伦特河畔斯托克镇的工党候选人。They were having trouble casting the female lead.他们难以选定女主角。Click this option to right-justify the selected text.点击这个选项,使选定的文本向右对齐。They made choice of Mr Lee as the next president.他们选定李先生为下任主席。Have you fixed on the date?日期选定了吗? They chose the captain of their team by lot.他们抽签选定他们的球队队长。All of them are experts in their chosen field.他们在各自选定的行业中都是行家。She was tapped for police commissioner.她被选定为警察局长。




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