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词汇 选拔
例句 The children have to sit a tough selection test.孩子们必须参加一次严格的选拔测试。Contestants for the game show go through a tough selection process.这个游戏节目的参赛选手要经历严格的选拔He was chosen in the first round of the draft.他在第一轮选拔中被选中。They are opposed to selective education.他们反对选拔性教育。I'd like to see some speedup in the selection process.我希望看到选拔进程能加快些。A panel of judges is now selecting the finalists.评判小组现在正选拔参加决赛的选手。The selection committee pulled each proposal apart.选拔委员会仔细斟酌了每个建议。He should have tried out for the Olympic 100 metres squad.他本该参加奥运会百米赛跑的选拔These trials are actually the penultimate step toward choosing the Olympic team for this summer's games.这几场预赛实际上是为今年夏季奥运会选拔参赛球队所做的倒数第二步。At first, the manager's appointment of talented but inexperienced players seemed like a stroke of genius.起初,经理人选拔天赋高但缺乏比赛经验的队员似乎是个绝妙的主意。College football coaches spend a lot of time recruiting high school athletes.大学橄榄球教练花大量时间选拔高中生球员。Winners are selected on the basis of high academic achievement.优胜者的选拔以学术成就的高低为基础。The selection board, which decides on promotions, should be strictly objective.决定晋升的选拔委员会应该绝对保持客观。The team picked up three new players in the draft.球队从本次选拔中选中了三位新球员。Before Saturday's football team is chosen, there will be a match between the probables and the possibles.在星期六的足球队选拔之前,将先进行一场预备及候补队员间的比赛。The big question is, will he be number one in the football draft?大家关心的问题是,他会在此次橄榄球选拔中排名第一吗?I was disturbed to hear that the selection committee originally decided not to send a British team to this year's Championships.当我听说选拔委员会原本决定不派英国队去参加今年的锦标赛时,我觉得很不安。The judges of the talent show were biased toward musical acts.新秀选拔的评委偏好音乐方面的表演。He tried out for the golf team.他参加了高尔夫球队的选拔The England selectors must start introducing young blood.英格兰队的人才选拔委员会必须着手引入一些新生力量。The selectors should resign en bloc.选拔人应该集体辞职。Luke's trying out for the college football team.卢克正在参加大学足球队的选拔Joan tried out for the school basketball team.琼参加了学校篮球队员的选拔I'm not going to bother trying out for the play - I know I'm not good enough!我不打算费心参加这出戏剧的选拔,我知道自己还不够好!You should go out for Supreme Court justice.你应该参加最高法院法官的选拔This prompted many employers to appraise their selection and recruitment policies.这促使许多雇主考量其人才选拔和招聘政策。He's trying out for a spot on the team.他在参加球队的选拔The England selectors must start introducing fresh blood.英格兰队的选拔委员们必须开始引进新生力量了。




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