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词汇 选出
例句 The town has elected five councilors and two alternates.这个镇选出了五名政务会委员和两名候补人员。The two speakers were chosen to represent opposite ends of the spectrum.选出的两个发言人分别代表对立的两极。They always seem to vote in these corrupt, incompetent governments.他们似乎老是选出腐败无能的政府。A moderate was chosen as the new leader of the right-of-center party.这个中间偏右政党选出一名温和派人士担任新领导人。The political party chose a leader.该政党选出了一位领导人。An interim government was elected to replace the ousted regime.选出了一个临时政府以取代被赶下台的政权。The sportswriters picked a mythical all-star team.体育专栏作家们选出了一支假想的全明星队。Listen to the interview again and pick out the bits you want to use in the article.再听一遍采访,选出你想用在文章里的内容。Winners will be selected at the end of each calendar month.优胜者将在每个月末选出They've culled some of the best poems from her collected works.他们从她的作品集中选出了几首最好的诗歌。Following a series of provisional governments, the Dominican people elected Juan Bosch as their President.经过一连串临时政府执政后,多米尼加人民选出了胡安·博什为他们的总统。They will try to sift out the winners and the losers.他们将努力选出胜方和败方。Chose a card at random from the deck.从一副牌中任意选出一张。The winning entry will be selected at random by computer.获胜者将由计算机随机选出The chairman was elected by secret ballot.主席是通过无记名投票方式选出的。He secured his return for Manchester.他由曼彻斯特选出为议会议员。Two names were selected by drawing lots.抽签选出了两个名字。A committee will be selected to choose the new leader.选出一个委员会来决定新的领导人。Choosing the winner was a difficult task.选出获胜者是个艰难的任务。We waded through a huge pile of applications, and finally selected six people to interview.我们费力地看完了一大堆申请书,最后选出了六个人来面试。The next election is for the government to take us into the new century.下次选举要选出带领我们进入新世纪的政府。The children were asked to choose their favourite poem and write it out in their best handwriting.要求孩子们选出他们最喜欢的诗歌并用最工整的字体抄写出来。Elected members of the House of Assembly serve a six-year term.选出的议会成员任期六年。They selected the winner from six finalists.他们从六名决赛选手中选出了获胜者。Select the option you want from the pop-up (menu).从弹出式菜单中选出你要的那项。Delegates will be picked at a convention.代表将在大会上选出These problems are not going to fix themselves. Voters need to wake up and smell the coffee and elect someone who will get things done.这些问题不会自行解决。选民们需清醒面对现实,选出能干实事的人。The class was divided into four teams, and each group was asked to pick a leader.这个班被分成四组,每组要选出一名组长。A random sample/sampling/selection of doctors from around the country were selected for the study.为进行这项研究,从全国各地随机抽样选出了一些医生。The council is elected by popular vote.委员会是由全民公投选出的。The city just elected its first nonwhite mayor.这个城市刚刚选出了它的首位非白种人市长。Members are elected by direct vote.成员均通过直接投票选出An overall winner and a runner-up were chosen.选出了总冠军和第二名。The government has been legitimately elected by the people.政府是由人民依法选出的。We've chosen three examples of contemporary architecture for closer study.我们已选出三个当代建筑的典型代表做进一步研究。Students vote for their favorite teacher at the close of each year.每年年末,学生们都要选出他们最喜欢的老师。Representatives are elected from each state.代表是从各州选出的。The present government was elected last year.现政府是去年选出的。The winners were chosen by a panel of judges.获胜者是由裁判小组选出的。The president was elected by acclamation.会长是通过口头表决选出的。




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