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词汇 选区
例句 His constituency is composed of farmers and cattlemen.他的选区由农民和牧民组成。The Fifth Congressional District seat was uncontested. 第五选区的国会议员席位只有一人参选。He represents a constituency in the north of England.他代表英格兰北部的一个选区He angered his constituency by voting against the bill.他投票反对议案,激怒了他的选区选民。He represents the Congressional District of Illinois.他是伊利诺伊州国会选区的议员。Members of Parliament are spending the weekend canvassing opinion in their constituencies.国会议员这个周末要向所在选区的选民征求意见。Did you walk your precinct on the day of the vote?选举日那天你在你的选区巡查过了吗?His name stank in every street in the constituency.他在该选区已经臭了大街了。We shall analyse the votes ward by ward.我们将一个选区一个选区地分析选票情况。The voter turnout in most precincts is expected to be high.大多数选区的选民参选率预计都会很高。He has been adopted as Conservative candidate for the constituency of East Cheam.他已被接受为东奇姆选区的保守党候选人。This Houston district was originally drawn to elect a Hispanic Democrat.划分这个休斯敦选区原先是为了选举一位西班牙裔民主党人。You can register to vote in your precinct by showing proof of residence.你只要出示居住证明就可以在你的选区登记投票。An M.P. represents his constituency.议员是选区全体选民的代表。We canvassed over half the constituency by phone or text-message.我们通过电话或短信方式征求了选区内半数以上选民的意见。The constituency is/are voting tomorrow.选区全体选民将于明天投票。The senator's constituency includes a large minority population.那位参议员所在的选区中选民包括大量少数族裔。He has the broadest support of any candidate in his division.在他所在选区的候选人中他获得最广泛的支持。We're literally organizing leadership down to the precinct level.实际上我们把指导工作都组织到了选区If the Republicans want to build a majority, they need the north-east.如果共和党想确立多数票,则需要东北部选区的支持。She represents the eighth congressional district.她代表第八国会选区The seat was a stronghold of the Labour party.这个选区是工党的大本营。They redrew districts to make sure Republican candidates would win.他们重新划分了选区,以确保共和党候选人能够获胜。With the help of skilful gerrymandering, the Party has never lost an election since.凭借巧妙划分选区的手段,该党从那以后没输掉过一场选举。He was elected to represent a Liverpool constituency.他当选为利物浦选区代表。He represented his district in Congress.他在国会中代表他的选区The boundary changes were denounced as blatant gerrymandering.变更分界线的做法被抨击为赤裸裸的不公正划分选区行为。The constituency I live in is a safe Labour seat.我居住的选区是工党的稳得席位。The precinct returns show that the support received by both men was remarkable.选区的统计显示,两人都得到了显著的支持。The Prime Minister must be convinced that he will reap a richer harvest of votes by going to the electorate well before October.一定要说服首相相信,在十月到来之前早早去选区可以赢得更多选票。Politicians are accountable to their constituents.从政者对自己选区的选民负责。




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