例句 |
British programme-makers are again importing styles from the United States.英国节目制作人又在引进美国的风格。If you're importing those goods into Britain from the USA, you'll have to pay customs on them.如果将这些货物从美国进口到英国,就必须缴纳关税。The country is importing a broad range of skilled personnel.这个国家正在引进各行各业的技术人员。The ruling authority stripped him of his boxing title after he was convicted of importing heroin.他被判犯有走私海洛因罪后,当局就剥夺了他的拳击冠军称号。He was convicted of importing indecent material.他因进口淫秽书刊被判罪。I began importing handicrafts from India.我开始从印度进口手工艺品。He could face a charge of illegally importing weapons.他可能面临非法进口武器的指控。In some countries, importing drugs is a capital offence.在某些国家,携带毒品入境是死罪。 |