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词汇 trusts
例句 Housing trusts help to provide houses for people who are not well off.住房基金机构向那些不富裕的人们提供住房方面的帮助。He's been let down so much in the past that he trusts no one.他过去受挫折太多,因此对谁也不信任了。He swears up and down that he trusts me.他信誓旦旦地说相信我。Neither side trusts the other.双方互相不信任。He had set up two charitable trusts.他已设立了两个慈善信托机构。Large overseas-based trusts are an excellent each way bet.大型海外信托基金的投资前景非常好。The story of the Titanic is a warning to anyone who trusts too much in their technology.泰坦尼克号的故事对任何一个过于相信科技的人都是一个警告。Having a tea leaf around means no one trusts anyone.身边有小偷导致人们谁都不相信谁。He trusts in the competence of his doctor.他相信他的医生的医术。She trusts him blindly.她盲目地信任他。He trusts his affairs to his solicitors.他把自己的事务委托律师办理。




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