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词汇 ignoring
例句 My driving was suspended for ignoring a red light.我因为闯红灯而被罚暂停驾驶。I think he was deliberately ignoring me.我觉得他是故意不理睬我的。Wall Street seems to be ignoring other indications that consumers are spending less.华尔街似乎忽视了其他一些迹象。I got into the habit of ignoring her emails.我养成了不理会她电子邮件的习惯。A waiter came and hovered. John caught my look and we both got up and, ignoring the waiter, made our way to the buffet.一个侍者走了过来,候在附近。约翰领会了我的眼神,我们两个都站了起来,没有理睬那个侍者,朝自助餐台走去。He had been ignoring the symptoms for years.多年来他一直忽视了这些病征。They were ignoring what was now a probability.他们是在忽视目前可能发生的事。She walked in with her nose in the air, ignoring everyone.她傲慢地走进来,谁也不理。I tried ignoring his unpleasant remarks, but it didn't work.我试着不去理睬他那些难听的话语,但是做不到。He has an infuriating habit of ignoring me.他习惯了对我不理不睬,这令我很恼火。They blithely carried on chatting, ignoring the customers who were waiting to be served.他们继续开心地聊天,将等著购物的顾客们置于一边。The Americans cannot accuse him of ignoring the problem.美国人不能指责他对问题置之不理。He feels that the media is ignoring this important issue.他感觉媒体忽略了这一重要问题。They insult us by ignoring our complaints.他们对我们的投诉不理不睬,这是在侮辱我们。He's got a cheek ignoring us like that.他真不要脸,竟然那样无视我们。Ruth has a way of ignoring me that drives me mad.鲁思总不理我,这让我发疯。I hunkered down, ignoring the funny looks from passers-by.我蹲下身,不去管路人投来的古怪目光。We were all ignoring the unpleasant truth.我们都对那不愉快的事实视而不见。She shocked her neighbours by ignoring every convention of respectable society.她无视上流社会的任何习俗,令邻居们惊愕不已。They should think not twice, but thrice, before ignoring such advice.对于这样的建议,他们应该反复考虑再决定是否拒绝。She laughed, ignoring the stares of everyone around her.她笑了起来,不顾周围每个人都在盯着她看。He sat and finished his drink, ignoring the raucous voices from the other end of the bar.他坐着喝完自己的酒,并不理会酒吧那一头闹哄哄的声音。He is, like most theorists, out there in left field, ignoring the experimental evidence.一如大多数理论家般,他想法古怪,行事出人意表,竟对实验得来的证据置之不理。He dived fearlessly into the sea, ignoring the rocks below.他不顾下面有礁石,勇敢无畏地跃入海中。He probes the enemy's weak positions, ignoring his strongholds.他侦察敌人兵力薄弱的位置,对其要塞不予理睬。He addressed his remarks to Eleanor, ignoring me.他向埃莉诺说话,对我置之不理。Clearly, ignoring him had been a mistake.忽视他显然是个错误。He fiercely criticised self-styled educational experts for ignoring Shakespeare.他强烈批评那些无视莎士比亚的自诩为教育专家的人。He addressed his remarks to Eleanor, ignoring Maria.他和埃莉诺聊了聊,而没搭理玛丽亚。Their coverage of the riot was criticized for ignoring its causes.他们对那场骚乱的报道因忽略了其起因而受到了批评。He yelled at us for ignoring the stop sign.因为没在停车标志处停车,他冲我们大呼小叫。Welfare workers were sternly rebuked by the court for ignoring the woman's plea for help.福利工作者因忽视这位妇女的求助而受到法庭的严厉指责。Demonstrators surged through the capital city yesterday, ignoring threats of reprisals from the government.示威人群昨日涌向首都—他们对政府要秋后算账的威胁置之不理。She felt they had insulted her by repeatedly ignoring her questions.他们屡次无视她的提问,使她觉得受到了侮辱。Police slammed drivers for ignoring safety warnings.警方严厉指责司机无视安全警告。Such an all-or-nothing approach, ignoring any gradation, is creating a culture where our discussion of risk across the board is naïve.这种极端的、无视渐进过程的态度正在营造一种文化,在这种文化背景下我们对风险的全面讨论显得很幼稚。He carried on, ignoring interruptions from the defence lawyer.他不顾辩护律师的打断继续陈述。Bleeding-heart politicians keep pandering to drug addicts and ignoring the rights of decent people.心肠太软的政客总是纵容瘾君子,而不顾正派人的权利。She has been studiously avoiding/ignoring me.她刻意躲着/忽视我。You can't keep ignoring her. It just isn't cricket.你不能对她总是置之不理。那样是不礼貌的。




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