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词汇 ignore
例句 How can the government ignore the wishes of the majority?政府怎么能不顾大多数人的意愿呢?I tried to ignore my irrational feelings of jealousy.我尽力不理会自己不理智的嫉妒心。We can't ignore our country's painful history of slavery.我们不能漠视我们国家痛苦的奴隶史。She tried to ignore him but he wouldn't leave her alone.她尽力不理睬他,可他就是不想让她清静。The President could not ignore the strength of public opinion.总统没法忽视公众舆论的力量。It is dangerous to ignore the lessons of the past.忽视过去的教训是危险的。If you ignore her message because you don't like the way she presents it, you will be throwing out the baby with the bathwater.如果你因为不喜欢她那种呈现信息的方式而不理睬她提供的信息,那么你就是良莠不分一起抛。Restaurants that ignore the smoking ban do so at their peril.餐馆不执行吸烟禁令后果自负。We shouldn't ignore the problems that exist in our own community.我们不应该忽视我们自己社区中存在的问题。The best thing is to just ignore her. She'll soon take the hint.最好的办法是不去理她,她很快就会明白。Don't ignore me when I'm talking to you!我跟你讲话时别不理不睬的!It would be a great mistake to ignore these problems.忽视那些问题将会酿成大错。Most of us ignore this good advice, even though we know it to be true.虽然知道那是对的,我们中的大多数人还是忽视了那条忠告。The best way to deal with a tease is to ignore him.对付嘲弄你的人,最好的方法就是置之不理。She decided to ignore the slur implied in the comment.她决定不理会评论中隐含的中伤。The other kids used to call me names, but I tried to ignore them.别的小孩过去常常辱骂我,但我尽量不去理睬他们。The girl's parents continued to ignore her very existence.女孩的父母继续无视她的存在。Someone made a rude noise, which the teacher decided to ignore.有人发出刺耳的声音,老师决定置之不理。Working in a university setting, you can't ignore these things.在大学环境中工作,你不能忽视这些事情。She could not have failed to see it, but she had chosen to ignore it.这个她不会看不见,只是故意不去理会罢了。The best way to respond to a flame is to ignore it.回应谩骂性电子邮件的最好办法就是置之不理。Such arguments ignore the question of where ultimate responsibility lay.这些争论忽略了最终责任由谁来负的问题。He continued eating, deciding to ignore her.他继续吃着,决意对她不理不睬。The movie industry had chosen to ignore the encroaching competition of television.电影业故意无视电视业的侵犯性竞争。The judge chose to ignore the views of the doctors.法官决定对医生们的意见不予考虑。The state gave the town a special dispensation, allowing it to ignore the law in this case.州政府特许这个镇在本案中逾越这条法律的约束。I've learned to ignore all of my sister's hurtful comments.我已经学会对我妹妹那些伤人的话不予理会了。Such arguments ignore the question of where ultimate responsibility lies.这些论点都没有考虑最后责任归谁的问题。I can choose to ignore these extraneous thoughts or certainly choose not to act on them.我可以选择无视这些无关的想法,当然也可以选择不按这些想法行事。I shrugged, pretending to ignore him.我耸了耸肩,假装对他视而不见。Older people often try to ignore their infirmities.年纪大的人常常试图忽视自己年迈体衰的事实。We can't ignore the problems that face us.我们不能对我们眼前的这些问题置之不理。I'm sorry that I have to raise this subject, but we can't ignore it any longer.很抱歉我不得不提起这个话题,但我们不能再对它视而不见了。Many cyclists ignore the law and ride around at night without lights.很多骑自行车的人漠视法规,晚上不开车灯骑着车到处跑。It would be discourteous to ignore his request.无视他的请求是失礼的。We can no longer ignore people like Lois.我们不能再忽略像洛伊丝那样的人了。Many women feel that the history books either ignore or misrepresent them.许多女性觉得历史书不是忽视了她们,就是歪曲了她们。Did you think I'd ignore the fact that you were suffering from shock?你受到惊吓,你以为我会置之不理吗?We could not ignore the possibility of an enemy attack.我们不能忽略敌人发动进攻的可能性。If you ignore the problem, you'll just cause yourself more heartache later on.如果你忽视了这个问题,将来你会给自己带来更多的痛苦。




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