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词汇 move into
例句 The picnickers moved into the shade of a tree.野餐者移入树荫。Her career has been on the up and up since she moved into sales.自从转做销售后,她的事业蒸蒸日上。The company recently moved into brand new premises.该公司最近迁至新址。Marsani moved into the upstairs apartment.马萨尼搬进了楼上的公寓里。As he moved into first, the engine made a strange noise.他挂一挡时,发动机发出奇怪的噪声。When we first moved into this old house it was barely habitable.我们刚搬来时,这所旧房子简直不能住人。Many of the rural jobless moved into the towns.农村的许多失业人员流动到城镇。Extra police have been moved into the area to counter the risk of violence.加派了警察进驻该地区以镇压可能出现的暴力事件。The old couple sold that large house and moved into a small bungalow.老两口卖掉了那幢大房子,搬进了小平房。I want you to move into my apartment. We've a spare room.我想让你住进我的公寓,我们还有一个空房间。She moved into production last year.她去年转为制片。He would like an assurance that other forces will not move into the territory that his forces vacate.他想确保其他势力不会在他的军队撤离后进入这个地区。She definitely wants to move into journalism.她肯定想转型从事新闻工作。Her parents poured cold water on her plan to move into her own flat.她父母对她搬入自己的公寓这个计划泼冷水。Bautista could be traded or moved into a reserve role.鲍蒂斯塔可能转会或转做替补队员。When the first settlers moved into the area they faced immense hardships.第一批定居者迁入这个地区时面临着极大的困难。The company has recently moved into a new purpose-built factory.该公司最近搬进了一家专门建造的新工厂。She's hoping to move into her new flat next week.她希望下星期能搬进她的新公寓。She moved into the new house as soon as the papers were signed.文件一签好她就搬进了新房屋。We had water and gas laid on before moved into our new home.我们叫人安装了自来水和煤气以后才迁入新居。She'd just moved into the neighbourhood.她刚刚搬到这个小区。They've just moved into their new home.他们刚刚搬进新家。We moved into the shade.我们走到阴凉处。Whenever I move into a new neighborhood I like to spend a couple of weeks just finding my way around.我每次搬到一个新社区总喜欢花几个星期适应环境。This is a subject that has now moved into the political domain.这是一个如今已经进入政治领域的话题。The company has recently moved into a new purpose-built factory.公司最近迁入了一个专门建造的新工厂。Eventually, Tim, Laura, and Ann moved into a shared house.最后,蒂姆、劳拉和安搬进了一个房子共住。In our third year at university, we moved into digs in Elm Street.我们在大学三年级的时候搬到榆树街租来的地方去住了。Publishers must move into the electronic arena.出版商们必须进入电子出版领域。Ruth moved into our apartment and promptly took over.鲁思一搬进我们的公寓就开始指手划脚的。Mammals moved into the niche left vacant by the disappearance of the dinosaurs.哺乳动物填补了恐龙消失后留下来的空间。She did not notice the man until he moved into her path.直到那个男人拦住她的去路,她才注意到他。As you move into the higher income bands, the charges start to increase.随着收入提高,各种应付款项也开始增加了。The last thing I should have done was let her move into my house.我最不应该的就是让她搬进我的房子。The troops maintained a strict radio silence while they moved into position.部队进入阵地时保持严格的无线电静默。They're planning to move into publishing.他们正计划进入出版领域。We've just moved into the new office and I've no idea where anything is - it's chaos!我们刚刚搬进新的办公室,我不知道东西都放在哪儿—真混乱!When the following two French riders faulted, Ian moved into second.当随后的两名法国骑手出现失误时,伊恩上升至第二位。We moved into an apartment on the top floor of the building.我们搬到了这幢建筑物最高层的寓所里。As we move into a new economy, trade unions will have to reinvent themselves to stay relevant.我们向新经济转型时,工会也必须改变形象以免落伍。




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