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词汇 movement
例句 She rose with the fluent movement of an athlete.她站起身来,动作犹如运动员般优美。There has been a movement back to more therapeutic treatments of mental disorders in recent years.近年来,精神疾病的治疗又回到了更多借助医疗疗法的传统上。Every successful social movement has its defining images.所有成功的社会运动都会有其最典型的图片。There was a very good atmosphere at the talks and the participants believed movement forward was possible.会谈气氛非常融洽,与会者相信会取得进展。The patient made/had a normal bowel movement.病人排便正常。The second movement of the symphony should be played andante.交响乐的第二乐章应该用行板演奏。He was the soul of the movement.他是这场运动的灵魂人物。The group became the spearhead of the labor union movement.这个团体成了工会运动的先锋。She felt a movement of pity for him.她对他顿起怜悯之心。This movement lengthens your spine and tones the spinal nerves.这一动作舒展脊椎,使脊神经更加强健。They are accused of organising and financing an underground youth movement.他们被指控组织并资助地下青年运动。The country has a well-organized consumer movement.该国有组织健全的消费者运动。There's a movement afoot to rename the town.有一场正在进行的为小镇改名的活动。The power of the Green movement in Germany has made that country a leader in the drive to recycle more waste materials.德国环保运动的影响力使得该国率先发起了回收利用更多废品的运动。The striking farmers threatened to prevent the movement of goods across the country.罢工的农场主们威胁说要阻止商品在全国的流通。The accident left her with restricted movement in her right leg.事故造成她右腿行动不便。He stood there without movement.他站在那里,一动也不动。The movement took him by surprise, and he pitched forward.这一动使他冷不防地向前摔倒。These ideas resurfaced again in the American civil rights movement.这些观念在美国民权运动中重新抬头。He did not associate himself with the pro-democracy movement.他没有表明自己支持这场拥护民主的运动。The melancholic second movement made for compulsive listening.忧郁的第二乐章让人百听不厌。He will have no choice but to ally himself with the new movement.他除了与新运动结盟别无选择。We're starting a movement against smoking.我们正掀起一场反对吸烟的运动。The movement poses a direct threat to their interests.这场运动对他们的利益造成了直接威胁。The movement's downfall came with the failed coup d'état.政变流产了,这场运动也随之失败。She started a movement for agricultural reform.她发起了支持农业改革的运动。The injury has restricted movement in his arm.他的胳膊因受伤而移动不便。There are classes in movement, dance, and improvisation.有音乐、舞蹈和即兴表演方面的课程。I seemed to glimpse a flicker of movement in the undergrowth.我好像瞥见矮树丛里有东西在颤动。The movement was beautifully executed.这个动作完成得很漂亮。It was this event that gave birth to the peace movement.正是这次事件引发了和平运动。The movement and noise of the machines absorbed him completely.机器的运转和声响把他完全吸引住了。The refrigerator unit has rubber wheels for easy movement.冰箱装有橡胶轮子,便于移动。Hydraulic jacks under the machine produce the movement.是机器下面的液压千斤顶造成的移动。He made a tugging movement, like you do if you're trying to bite through a thread.他用力一拽,就像想把线咬断时那样。There have been persistent rumours of quarrels within the movement.运动团体内部存在争执的传闻始终未断。This process is, in no sense, a divorce between the Labour Party and the trade-union movement.这个过程绝不是工党和工会运动相脱离。I would only belong to an environmental movement if it was explicitly non-violent.我只会投身明确宣称采用非暴力手段的环境保护运动。With one movement, she disarmed the man and pinned him against the wall.她一下子就缴了那男子的械,并把他按到墙上。She rose to her feet in one graceful movement.她十分优雅地站起身。




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