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词汇 move on
例句 The wardrobe was too heavy for me to move on my own.衣橱太重,我一个人搬不动。Let's put that issue aside and move on.让我们把那件事放到一边继续做其他的。By the time he got there, his friends had already moved on.当他到达那里的时候,他的朋友们已经走了。It was time to weigh anchor and move on.到了起锚继续航行的时候了。I decided with some regret that it was time to move on.我遗憾地决定我应该换个工作了。Let's just forget about the whole thing and move on.让我们把这件事全都忘掉继续前行吧。Once you learn how to print, then you can move on to cursive writing.一旦你学会如何用印刷体书写,就可以开始学草体了。As time moved on, he looked much older than before.随着岁月的流逝,他显得苍老多了。I'm not the same person now. I've moved on.我现在不是以前的我了。我已经面貌一新了。Some people believed in the dogma for a time and then moved on.有些人一度相信过这种教条,后来改信别的了。Now, can we move on and discuss the vital business of the day, please.好,我们继续好吗?讨论一下今天的重要事务。After a few weeks in Marseille, I grew restless and decided to move on.在马赛住了几星期后,我开始呆不住了,决定换个地方。The exhibition has now moved on to Edinburgh.展览现在转到爱丁堡继续进行。He refuses to move on the salary issue.他拒绝在工资问题上让步。I'd like to move on to the next item on the agenda.我想接着讨论议程上的下一项议题。Howard was jack of it and ready to move on.霍华德对它厌烦了,打算做点别的。OK, let's move on to the next point.好,我们来谈下一个问题吧。We'd better get a move on if we don't want to be late.如果我们不想迟到的话,最好快点动身。The conversation moved on to other things.谈话接着转到了其他事情上。The governor has yet to move on any of the recommendations in the report.州长对报告中的任何一条建议都尚未有什么动作。The government is finally starting to move on the security issue.政府终于开始在安全问题方面有所行动了。Michael decided he wanted to move on to pastures new for financial reasons.出于经济原因,迈克尔决意去寻找更好的前程。John wanted to move on from the Post to a bigger paper.约翰想从邮报社调到规模较大的报馆去工作。 Once you've mastered the basic principles of using a computer, you can move on.你一旦掌握了使用计算机的基本原理,就可以进行下一步工作了。I've suggested that she should move on numerous occasions, but she never takes any notice.我曾无数次提出她应该搬家,可是她从来不肯听。We'll camp by the river for the night, and move on tomorrow.我们今晚在河边露营,明天继续前进。Public opinion has moved on a great deal since then.从那时起,舆论已经有了很大的转变。It is time to shake the dust from our feet and move on.我们该离开这里继续前行了。I'd done the same job for years and felt it was time to move on.我多年来一直在做同一份工作,觉得是该换换工作了。We need to get a move on if we're going to catch that train.如果要赶上那趟火车,我们就必须快点。I'm trying to move on and stretch myself with something different.我正想换工作,想尝试点不一样的事情来挑战一下自己。She would have liked to ask questions, but he had moved on to another topic.她本想问问题,但他又继续谈另一个话题去了。Andrew claims the tragedy has not left a mark and says that he has done his best to move on.安德鲁表示,这一悲剧没有造成长远影响,并说他已竭力继续前进。Now, can we move on and discuss the vital business of the day.现在,我们接着往下讨论今天的重要事宜。Get a move on, or we'll be late!赶快,否则我们要迟到了。You have to understand the basics before you can move on to more advanced work.在进行较为深入的工作前,你必须掌握基础知识。This point is not really relevant and we had better move on.这一点实非至关重要,咱们还是接着谈别的吧。Progress on this issue must be made in parallel to any moves on the economic front.这个问题上的进展应该和经济领域的进展同步。His mother soon moved on to a new relationship.他母亲很快又开始了一段新恋情。She knew that any move on her part at this juncture would be interpreted as a sign of weakness.她知道,此时此刻她的任何举动都会被看成软弱的表现。




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