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词汇 move out
例句 One move out of you and we'll start shooting.你动一动我们就开枪。 You'll be moved out by force if you don't pay the rent.你如果不付租金,就将被强制迁出。She moved out because her mother-in-law is too bossy.她的婆婆爱指使人,所以她搬出去住了。We had our mail redirected when we moved out.搬家后我们让邮局给我们转寄邮件。My parents moved out of London because they wanted a bigger house.我父母搬出了伦敦,因为他们想要住大一点的房子。He simply packed up his belongings and moved out on Tuesday.他把自己的行李简单收拾了一下,星期二就搬出去了。His neighbor moved out last month.他的邻居上个月搬走了。We moved out to the country for the children's sake.为孩子们着想,我们搬到了乡下。Without warning, my husband moved out, leaving me so shattered I couldn't continue.事先毫无征兆下我丈夫就搬了出去。我伤心欲绝,简直没法活下去了。I gave up going to the theatre when I moved out of London.我搬出伦敦以后就不再去看戏了。Tom moved out of his apartment in Toronto last month.汤姆上个月搬出了他在多伦多的公寓。He moved out from beneath an awning, reaching for something inside the breast of his overcoat.他离开遮阳篷,手伸进大衣前胸部找东西。I couldn't wait to move out of my cramped apartment.我迫不及待地想从我那个狭小的公寓房里搬出去。Since the textile company moved out, the area's gotten very run-down.自从纺织公司迁出以后,这个地区就败落了。We are going to move out of our old house next month.我们准备下个月从我们的旧住宅搬走。If the landlord raises the rent again, we'll just have to move out.如果房东再提高房租,我们就不得不搬走。If you really want to move out, I won't stand in your way.如果你真的想搬出去,我也不会拦着你。They had a huge row and Sally moved out of the house.他们大吵一架之后萨莉搬了出来。The family moved out west to Kansas.这家人搬到西部的堪萨斯州去了。The geriatric patients will be moved out.老年病人将会搬出去。Our neighbors sold their household goods before they moved out.我们的邻居在搬家前把家用品先卖掉。He moved out of the family home.他从家里搬了出去。They looked after the train as it moved out.他们目送火车开出车站。When the time comes to move out of their apartment, they will have saved up enough money to buy a house.等到该搬出公寓的时候,他们也就攒够买房子的钱了。The last of her children had recently moved out and she was suffering from empty nest syndrome.她最小的孩子最近搬出去住了,她倍受空巢综合症的煎熬。Adam packed his few belongings and moved out.亚当收拾起仅有的几件什物搬出去了。Her landlord has given her a week to move out.房东给她一星期时间搬走。They moved out and the lease was surrendered.他们搬了出来,租约也就放弃了。I need a month's notice if you're planning to move out.如果你打算搬出去的话,得提前一个月通知我。The marines stood ready to move out at short notice.海军陆战队准备一接到命令就开拔。 Are you going to buy or move out when your building goes condo?你住的公寓要是准备分套售出,你打算购买还是迁出?He ordered the troop to limber up and move out.他命令部队把火炮挂上前车并出发。We had to move out of our house.我们不得不搬出我们的房子。He packed up the possessions he had and moved out.他收拾好自己的财物后就搬走了。They have three empty rooms now that the kids have moved out.孩子们都搬出去了,现在他们有三个空房间。They moved out of London when he was little.他还很小的时候,他们就搬走离开了伦敦。They wanted to move out of town and start a new life in the country.他们想搬离城市去乡村开始新的生活。She moved out of the house because she wanted her own personal space.她从家里搬了出来,因为她需要拥有自己的个人空间。We had only one week to pack and move out of our apartment.我们只有一个星期的时间收拾东西搬出公寓。She told her son to clean up his act or move out.她告诉儿子要改过自新,否则就搬出去。




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