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词汇 identifying
例句 We began by identifying what we needed for the job.我们首先弄清了做这份工作我们需要具备什么。The defense system would activate if no proper identifying signal was given.如果不发出适当的识别信号,防御系统就会开动。In-store videos were of no help in identifying the criminals.店内录像对于辨认罪犯毫无用处。We need a systematic plan for identifying and cleaning up waste sites.我们需要一个系统的计划来确认并清理堆放废料的场所。Before choosing a career you should spend time identifying your personal strengths and weaknesses.择业之前应该花点时间认识一下自身的长处和短处。They had no difficulty in identifying the problem.他们轻而易举地发现了问题。The difficulty lies in identifying the precise nature of the problem.困难在于要确定问题的性质。Ordinarily, spectral patterns were well understood fingerprints for identifying chemical elements in the stars.光谱图型通常是鉴别星球上化学元素特征的人所熟知的依据。Each node can contain some identifying data, plus a set of subnodes of a specific child type.每个节点可以包含一些标识数据,以及一组特定子类型的子节点。These are letters from self-identifying members of his party.这些是与他同属一党而且自己认为思想上与他完全一致的党员们寄来的信件。Once they'd been pointed out for me, I had no trouble identifying the major stars and planets.对于一些大的恒星和行星,只要有人指给我看过,我就不难找出它们的位置。The bravos, soldiers, whatever they were, wore ordinary street clothes, no identifying colours or badges.那些人,不知道是杀手还是士兵,都穿着便服,没有佩戴任何表明身份的标志或徽章。They also bear the responsibility of correctly identifying queue jumpers.他们还负责准确地指认出插队者。He has a talent for identifying good workers.他具有识别优秀员工的才能。




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