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词汇 argued
例句 The BNP has argued that the mainstream parties are demonizing it.英国国家党争辩称各主流政党在将其妖魔化。We argued her out of going on such a dangerous journey.我们说服她不要去作这样危险的旅行。UN officials argued that the report was unbalanced.联合国官员指出那份报告有失公允。For years we have argued that the health service is underfunded.多年来我们一直都在说卫生医疗方面资金投入不足。Hawtrey had argued that there were two primary considerations for monetary policy.霍特里曾经提出,货币政策的制定要考虑两个首要因素。He argued the case for reorganization with missionary zeal.他以传教士般的热忱力陈改组的理由。Mr Nixon argued the tapes were privileged.尼克松先生认为这些录音带是保密的。She argued in favour of this policy.她在争论中赞成这项政策。She argued her point ineffectively.她徒劳地为自己的观点辩护。The two oldest children argued over who was boss for the entire hour their mother was out shopping.两个年龄最大的孩子为妈妈出去购物这一个小时里谁说了算吵嘴。He argued that the release of hostages should not occasion a change in policy.他认为释放人质不应造成政策的改变。He argued persuasively, and was full of confidence.他充满自信,论证也令人信服。Senator Harvey argued strongly against taking any form of military action.哈维参议员强烈反对采取任何形式的军事行动。He argued for the abolition of the public schools, which he says are elitist.他辩称应该取消公学,认为那是精英教育。Attorneys argued that prosecutors never proved who sent the email.律师们争辩说公诉人从未证实谁是电子邮件的发送人。He argued theoretically.他从理论角度进行辩论。He argued that equal marriage legislation would create a more tolerant society.他的观点是婚姻平权立法将帮助建立一个更加包容的社会。The question of divorce was discussed and argued out in the frankest tones.对离婚问题进行了最为坦诚的探讨并得出了结论。The defence argued that a regional court was not competent to try their case.被告辩称地方法院无权审理他们的案子。We argued the matter over for hours.我们为这事辩论了几小时。I've argued deductively from the text.我已依文字作过推理论证。He argued for changes to the tax system so that it assisted people who undertook training.他据理力争改革税务制度来帮助接受培训的人。She argued in her dissent that Congress had exceeded its authority.她在所提的异议中指出国会越权了。He argued his case with great passion.他很激动地据理力争。John and Sandy argued all the time, which completely ruined the evening for the rest of us.约翰和桑迪吵个不停,把我们大家一晚上的兴致都完全破坏了。In court filings, they argued that the settlement was inadequate.在法庭讼案中,他们提出和解费数额太少。Quinn argued that an increase in the minimum wage would help the most disadvantaged Americans.奎因辩称,提高最低工资对最贫困的美国人会有帮助。He argued that nuclear weapons were a political necessity.他认为核武器在政治上是必需的。He argued that ideas do not exist independently of the language that expresses them.他认为,思想不会脱离其语言表达形式而独立存在。Lawyers argued that she should be allowed to serve her detention in her home country.律师们提出她应被允许在祖国接受监禁。He and my mom argued every night, hour after hour.他和我母亲每天晚上都会吵上几个小时。They argued away yesterday afternoon.昨天下午他们一直争个没完。The children argued over who should lick the spoon.究竟谁该舔那把勺子,孩子们争吵不休。She often argued politics with Karl.她常常与卡尔议论政治。Katz argued that the police used too much force and were careless in making arrests.卡茨辩称,警方过分使用武力,而且逮捕时草率行动。Well, if you've argued with your boss you can wave goodbye to any chances of promotion!啊,如果你跟老板吵过了,那你就不要再指望得到任何的晋升机会!They argued vehemently against the proposal.他们强烈反对那项提议。His attorney argued that Cope could not distinguish between right and wrong.他的辩护律师辩称科普无法分辨是非。Some students argued that the rule infringed on their right to free speech.一些学生争辩说,这规则侵犯了他们自由发表言论的权利。He argued that the law was unduly restrictive.他认为这条法律限制过严。




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