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词汇 humming
例句 She was humming a merry little tune.她哼着一首欢快的小曲。The birds were singing, the bees were humming.鸟儿喳喳唱,蜜蜂嗡嗡叫。He was humming a tune as he dried the dishes.他边哼着调子边擦干碗碟。He started humming a tune, then interpolated the odd word as though having difficulty remembering.他开始哼唱一支曲子,然后却插入了个怪词,好像想不起词似的。She was humming a tune to herself.她自个儿哼著小调。The computer was still on, humming away.电脑还开着,发出嗡嗡声。The streets were humming with life. 街上人头攒动,熙熙攘攘。The bar was really humming last night.昨晚酒吧里一片乱哄哄的。I was humming to myself.我自己哼着曲子。Bernice became aware of a humming that seemed to come from all around her.伯尼斯发现周围好像有嗡嗡嗡的声音。The refrigerator was humming in the corner.冰箱在角落里嗡嗡作响。By noon, the office was really humming.到了中午,办公室真是一片活跃。Tony was humming to himself as he drove along.托尼边开车边哼着曲子。She was humming softly to herself.她轻声哼着歌。Apart from the humming of the bees, all was silent and still.除了蜜蜂的嗡嗡声之外,一切都毫无动静。She was humming a little tune to herself.她兀自哼着小调。The whole stadium was humming with excitement.整个体育场一片兴奋的嘈杂声。The garden was humming with bees.花园里到处都是蜜蜂嗡嗡的声音。The pub was humming with background music.那家小酒店在放送轻柔的背景音乐。The monotonous humming of the spinning-wheel set her mind in a tumult.手摇纺车单调的咿呀声使她心烦意乱。The computers were humming in the background.计算机在背景中嗡嗡作响。The guard stopped his humming and turned his head sharply.守卫停止了哼唱,猛地转过头。Don't stand humming and hawing, but speak out.别站着嗯嗯呃呃的,快说出来。She walked about listlessly, humming to herself in dejection.她没精打采地走来走去,沮丧地低声哼着。His constant humming is really beginning to get on my nerves.他不停的哼唱真的让我开始觉得心烦意乱。He rose early and wakened everyone with his humming.他早早起了床,嘴里哼着歌把所有的人都吵醒了。Musicals are uplifting, and you are sure to leave the theatre humming a cheerful tune.音乐剧可以振奋人心,你离开剧院的时候肯定会哼着一首快乐的小曲。The rooms are crammed with humming Xerox machines.那些房间里摆满了嗡嗡作响的复印机。What's that strange humming sound?那种奇怪的嗡嗡声是什么?He was humming a snatch of a song from 'Cabaret'.他哼唱了几句电影《歌厅》的插曲。He was humming tunelessly and tapping an annoying rhythm on his glass with his fork.他不成调地哼哼唧唧,用餐叉在玻璃杯上敲出刺人神经的拍子。There was a low humming sound in the sky.天空中传来一阵低沉的嗡嗡声。The office is humming with activity.办公室里一片忙碌。He was humming for a drink.他正在讨要些喝的东西。A low humming noise was coming from the refrigerator.电冰箱传来低沉的嗡嗡声。I was humming along with the music.我随着音乐哼唱。Within five hours, the equipment will be humming away again.五小时之内,设备又会嗡嗡地运转起来。




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