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词汇 human body
例句 Testosterone is a hormone that occurs naturally in the human body.睾丸激素是人体内自然产生的一种激素。Alchemists believed gold contained a substance that could transmute the corruptible human body into an incorruptible and eternal one.炼金术士相信黄金中有一种物质,能让本会腐烂的人体永不朽坏。The arms and legs are integral parts of a human body.臂和腿是人体不可缺少的部分。The human body is composed of billions of tiny cells.人体由数十亿微小的细胞组成。There are many aqueducts in the human body.人的身上有许多导管。The project is nothing less than mapping every gene sequence in the human body.这个项目就是要绘制人体所有基因序列的图谱。These new discoveries will help to fill a gap in our knowledge of how the human body ages.这些新发现将有助于填补我们关于人体衰老这方面知识的空白。Her latest collection of swimwear shows off the contours of the human body to perfection.她的最新系列泳装衬完美地托出了人体的曲线。The painting portrayed the beauty of nature as counterpoint to that of a human body.这幅画将自然美作为人体美的对比物。There are limits to what the human body can tolerate.人体的承受力是有限度的。The human body is a very complicated organization.人体是一个非常复杂的有机体。The human body is remarkably adaptive and resilient.人体具有非凡的适应力和耐受力。The researchers hope their bioplastics' compatibility with the human body will lead to various medical applications.研究人员希望生物塑料与人体的兼容性能够在医学上多方应用。The human body is a delicately balanced and fragile thing.人体是一个既有着微妙平衡同时又很脆弱的东西。The human body is symmetrical.人体是对称的。The human body is a wonderful thing.人体是个奇妙的东西。All medical students are required to do an anatomical dissection of a human body.按要求,所有医学院学生都要做一次人体解剖。A vitamin is a chemical compound that cannot be synthesized by the human body.维生素是一种人体无法合成的化合物。In his poetry we find many allusions to the human body.在他的诗中,人体的隐喻俯拾皆是。He encourages visitors to the exhibition to learn about the human body.他鼓励展览会参观者了解有关人体的知识。There are over 1000 muscles in the human body.人体有一千多块肌肉。The sculpture reproduces the smooth contours of the human body.这尊雕塑再现了人体的流畅线条。The human body can regenerate hair, nails, etc.人体能再生头发、指甲,等等。We are learning more and more about the effects of radiation on the human body.我们越来越了解辐射对人体的影响。The complexities of the functions of the human body boggle the imagination.人体功能的复杂令人难以想象。




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