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词汇 阻挡
例句 No one could prevent the inexorable slide into war.滑向战争的趋势无人能阻挡Their enthusiasm was unrestrained.他们的热情无法阻挡The group has continued to defy all efforts to stop them.这个组织一直在奋力抵抗阻挡他们的各种势力。Nothing can stop me from leaving.没什么能阻挡我离开。The police usually used razor wires to fend off the protesters.警察经常使用刺绳来阻挡抗议分子。She shaded her eyes against the fierce sun.她遮住眼睛,阻挡刺目阳光的照射。The police locked arms to form a barrier against the protesters.警察臂挽着臂组成一道人墙,阻挡抗议者。Mountains may black out radio communications.高山可能阻挡无线电通讯。We closed the windows to block out the traffic noise.我们关上窗户阻挡外面的车辆噪声。The river was a check on the enemy's advance.河流阻挡了敌军的前进。At this point in the campaign, he appears to be unstoppable.到了竞选的这个节骨眼上,似乎没有什么能阻挡得了他。The lotion is supposed to screen out the sun's harmful rays.这种护肤露据说可以阻挡阳光中的有害射线。There is nothing to stop you from going.没什么能阻挡你去。Barricades were erected against the advancing government troops and they were manned throughout the night.设置路障以阻挡政府军的前进,并且整夜有人看管。Once the Allies got a toehold on French soil, they would be unstoppable.一旦同盟国在法国领土上获得立脚点,便将无可阻挡Nothing was to prevent him now from becoming the richest, and therefore the happiest, man in the world.现在什么也阻挡不了他成为世上最富有因而也是最幸福的人。The crash happened after drivers were blinded by a mixture of fog and thick black smoke.雾气加上浓浓的黑烟阻挡了司机的视线,导致这次撞车事故的发生。It is impossible to stop the forward march of progress/time.发展的脚步/时间的流逝是无法阻挡的。This was intended to exclude the direct rays of the sun.其目的是阻挡直射的太阳光。The river is the last barrier between the rebel army and the city.这条河是阻挡叛军进入城市的最后一道屏障。Peg down netting over the top to keep out leaves.用钉子把网固定在顶上,以阻挡落叶。The police had already erected crash barriers to hold back the advancing crowds.警方已经竖起防撞护栏,阻挡人群前进。We are powerless to stop the wheel of history.我们无力阻挡历史的车轮。No one can halt the advance of history.谁也阻挡不了历史的前进。The tall trees shut out the view.高大的树木阻挡了视野。Now she's set her sights on the manager's job, nothing will stop her.现在她一心想当经理,没有什么可阻挡她。It's hard keeping the cold and damp out.很难将寒气和潮湿阻挡在外。The double glazing shuts out most of the traffic noise.双层玻璃阻挡了大部分交通噪声。The soldiers could not impede the enemy's advance.士兵们无法阻挡敌军前进。Nothing would put her off once she had made up her mind.她一旦作出决定就什么也阻挡不了她。Nothing could stop the waste of the city by the barbarians.什么也阻挡不了野蛮人对城市的破坏。Dark pigment in the skin provides an effective shield against the sun.皮肤中的黑色素能够有效地阻挡阳光。No hardness could stop him from pursuing his goals.任何困难也阻挡不住他去追求他的目标。Sawhorses were used as a blockade to hold back the crowd.锯木架被用作路障以阻挡人群。Ozone is the earth's primary filter for ultraviolet radiation.臭氧层是地球上阻挡紫外线辐射的主要屏障。The ozone layer forms a shield against harmful solar rays.臭氧层形成了阻挡太阳有害射线的防护层。The collapse of the wall made it imperative to keep the water out by some other means.墙体坍塌,当务之急是必须另想办法阻挡进水。As she left the court, an angry crowd tried to block her way.她离开法庭的时候,愤怒的人群试图阻挡她的去路。There is nothing to stay us in our flight.任何情况都不能阻挡我们飞行。He was determined to overcome all obstacles in his way.他决心克服阻挡他的一切障碍。




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