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词汇 阻止
例句 No one was injured in the brawl, which police quickly stopped.警察很快阻止了这场打斗,没有人受伤。They have launched a campaign to block passage of the bill.他们已经发起了一波运动来阻止该法案的通过。We need to discourage the use of cars for short journeys.我们得阻止人们即使去很近的地方也开车。He thinks he's onto something that will stop it.他想他已想出阻止这件事的办法了。A special valve prevents the waste gases from escaping.有一个特别的阀阻止废气外逸。She seems to be waging a personal crusade to stop this building work.她似乎在进行一场个人圣战来阻止这项建筑工程。The boss scuppered the plan.老板阻止了这项计划。We must halt this decline in standards.我们一定要阻止水准的下滑。There's nothing to stop you from doing a bit of exploring further afield.没有什么会阻止你到更远一些的地方探险。We must stop our country becoming Westernized.我们必须阻止我们的国家被西化。I want to stop the killer before he strikes again.我想要在杀人凶手再次行凶之前阻止他。The disease was stopped in its tracks by improved hygiene.卫生条件的改善阻止了这种疾病的蔓延。The security forces were doing all they could to thwart terrorists.安全部队正在尽全力阻止恐怖分子的袭击。We are trying not to escalate the violence.我们正努力阻止暴力事件的升级。The Prime Minister has ruled out cuts in child benefit.首相已经阻止了儿童救济金的削减。All that rigmarole about the house being haunted was just to stop people from buying it.所有关于这所房子闹鬼的废话只是为了阻止人们买它。There were threats by religious zealots to prevent the excavations.宗教狂热分子威胁要阻止挖掘。These deities prevent evil spirits from entering the temple precincts.这些神阻止邪灵进入寺院。Do what you want to. I have never been a stopper to you and will never be.你想做什么就做什么。我从未阻止过你,将来也不会。Steps need to be taken quickly to arrest the deterioration in the countries' relations.需要迅速采取行动来阻止国家间关系的恶化。He said he'd fight anyone who tried to stop him entering.他说,谁想阻止他进去他就跟谁打架。Peter blurted the news out before we could stop him.我们还没来得及阻止,彼得就脱口说出了那个消息。He made to open the door but Bunbury forestalled him.他想要打开房门,但是邦伯里抢先一步阻止了他。He's dangerous and needs to be stopped.他很危险,必须阻止他。It's too late. There's no stopping them now. 太迟了,现在没法阻止他们。The striking farmers threatened to prevent the movement of goods across the country.罢工的农场主们威胁说要阻止商品在全国的流通。I'll be goddamned if I let this stop me. 我绝不会让这个阻止我!We were brought to a halt by a storm.我们被暴风雨阻止了。The Government managed to spike the proposal.政府成功阻止了该计划。The army thwarted the attempt at a coup.军队阻止了一场政变的发生。There was general agreement that every effort should be made to prevent the war from spreading.人们一致认为应该竭尽全力阻止战事扩大。A bandage will stop the ooze from that cut.绷带能够阻止伤口渗出血液。They are using every legal tool at their disposal to prevent the bridge from being built.他们正在使用所有可用的法律手段来阻止大桥的建设。They tried to stop me from leaving.他们尝试阻止我离开。Armed guards keep out members of the public.武装警卫阻止公众靠近。The referendum blocked Switzerland's entrance into the European Economic Area.全民投票阻止了瑞士加入欧洲经济区。A patchwork of laws prevent the land from being developed.各种法律阻止了这块土地的开发。Nobody wants to stop you from following the career of your choice, least of all me.没有人想阻止你去追求自己所选择的事业,我更是不会。The government claims this is the only way to staunch the annual flow to Germany of hundreds of thousands of refugees.政府称这是阻止每年数十万难民涌入德国的唯一办法。The bride's family were scheming to prevent a wedding.新娘的家人在密谋阻止婚礼。




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