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词汇 hostages
例句 The negotiations led to freedom for the eight hostages.谈判的结果使这八名人质获得自由。The terrorists carried out their threat and shot two of the hostages.恐怖分子将恐吓付诸行动,枪杀了两名人质。In the early hours of this morning, the hostages were reunited with their families at Point Reach airbase.今天凌晨,人质在里奇角空军基地与家人团聚。The President is making every effort to obtain the release of the hostages.总统正在尽一切努力使人质得到释放。The hostages were released unharmed some time afterwards.过了一段时间之后,人质安然获释。He would concern himself solely with the plight of the hostages.他唯一关心的是人质的危险处境。No one knows what the fate of the hostages will be.没有人知道这些人质的命运将会如何。The hostages were relieved that their long ordeal was finally over.人质心里放松了,他们那长久的苦难经历终于结束了。There is still no news about the hostages.仍旧没有人质的消息。They agreed to hand over their hostages.他们同意移交人质。The hostages were today released from captivity.今天人质被释放了。The hostages have been released.这些人质已获释。Prisoners used the hostages to hold police at bay.囚犯利用人质使警察无法靠近。Security forces managed to free the hostages, but it was a very close thing.安全部队设法救了人质,但那真是虎口余生啊。All the other hostages were finally set free.其他所有的人质最后都被释放了。We are making every effort to obtain the release of the hostages.我们竭尽全力争取人质获释。They were accused of inhumanity in their treatment of the hostages.他们被指控虐待人质。Negotiators are still working to secure the hostages'release.谈判人员仍在努力争取人质获释。In exchange for the hostages, the terrorists demanded safe conduct out of the country.恐怖分子要求以安全出境作为交换人质的条件。The government is negotiating for the release of the hostages.政府正在就人质的释放进行谈判。The guerrillas threatened to kill their hostages.这些游击队员威胁要杀死人质。The ambassador promised to do everything in his power to get the hostages released.大使承诺尽其所能让人质得以释放。An official approach has been made but the hostages are unlikely to be released.官方已经提出了要求,但人质还是不大可能获释。An attempt to rescue the American hostages ended in disaster.营救美国人质的尝试以失败告终。The hostages were freed in the commando raid.在突击队的突袭行动中,人质获释。It is hopeful that two hostages will be freed in the next few days.两名人质有望于接下来的几天获释。The hostages were released unconditionally.人质被无条件释放了。They tied up the hostages and put gags in their mouths.他们把人质绑起来,并堵上了他们的嘴。The government should continue to use its influence for the release of all hostages.政府应该继续利用其影响力使所有人质获释。We obviously want to see the hostages home, but not at any price.我们显然也希望看到人质回家,但并不是不惜任何代价。The hostages described life in the prison camp as a nightmare of fear and uncertainty.人质描述说,战俘营里的生活犹如噩梦一般,充满了恐惧,生死难料。The wife of one of the hostages appeared on TV last night to plead for her husband's life.其中一名人质的妻子昨晚在电视上露面,苦苦哀求留她丈夫一命。Two of the hostages were released on humanitarian grounds.基于人道主义的原因,人质中有两人获释。They reneged on a pledge to release the hostages.他们违背承诺,没有释放人质。Mr Hurd told a news conference that the question of UK hostages in Iraq would top the agenda at the talks.赫德先生在记者招待会上说,有关在伊拉克的英国人质的问题将列入会谈的首要议程。He still claims the arms weren't traded for hostages他仍然声称军火没有被用来交换人质。Radical, militant factions want to continue using the hostages as a lever to gain concessions from the west.激进的好战派想要继续利用人质作筹码来换取西方的让步。It seems likely that they will release the hostages soon.看来他们很快就会释放人质了。They kneecapped one of the hostages.他们用枪击碎了一名人质的膝盖骨。They are holding hostages to try to force the authorities into talks on possible amnesties for drugs offences.他们扣押了若干人质以胁迫当局就赦免毒品犯罪与他们谈判。




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