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词汇 转移
例句 Companies are moving jobs to towns with a lower cost of living.各公司正在把工作岗位转移至生活费用较低的城镇。Fortunately for the government, this issue has drawn attention away from the hot potato of funding the London Underground.对政府来说幸运的是,这一话题转移了大家对伦敦地铁资金来源这个棘手问题的注意力。We want to switch the focus away from criticism.我们想把重点从批评上转移开。The leadership moved to sidetrack the proposal.领导层采取措施转移大家对该提议的关注。This merely directs attention away from the real issues.这只不过是将注意力从真正的问题上转移开而已。Mentioning adult education in a discussion on decolonization is a complete red herring.在讨论非殖民化时谈成人教育,这全然是转移注意力的闲扯。These metastatic tumours are even more difficult to treat than the primaries.这些转移肿瘤要比早期肿瘤更难治疗。I found she had siphoned thousands of dollars from our bank account.我发现她偷偷地从我们的银行账户里转移走了数千美元。Therapists should always be on the lookout for transference from their clients.治疗师应总是警惕来自其客户的转移倾向。The administration's emphasis on the drop in inflation is just a smokescreen to divert attention from rising unemployment.政府强调通货膨胀率下降只是烟幕,目的是转移人们对失业率上升的注意力。She sought to deflect criticism by blaming her family.她责怪家人,企图转移对她的批评。It is often possible, with professional advice, to shuffle assets and investments and come up with more income.经专业人员的指点,将资产及投资迭经转移而最终导致收入增加的事是完全可能的。The contaminated material should be encapsulated and removed.受到污染的材料应该封装并转移The argument is a red herring. It actually has nothing to do with the issue.这个论点旨在转移注意力。它实际上和争论的问题没有任何关系。The leadership moved to sidetrack the proposal.领导层采取行动来转移对该提议的关注。Listen for the all clear before each transfer.每次转移前注意听警报解除信号。She looked shyly away when he said anything nice about her.他说她好的时候,她羞涩地转移目光,看往别的地方。Japanese corporations have been turning away from production and have diverted into finance.日本企业一直在从生产制造转移,转向了金融。The world's economic centre / center of gravity is shifting east.世界的经济重心向东转移The traffickers knew that there would always be someone willing to move the gear.非法贩卖者们知道总有人愿意转移毒品。The fire was started to create a diversion, allowing some prisoners to escape.放火是为了转移人们的注意力,让一些囚犯越狱。The President ordered him moved because of fears that his comrades would try to free him.由于担心他的同党会设法营救他,总统下令将他转移The advertisements by the side of the road sometimes distract the attention of motorists.路旁的广告有时会转移驾车人的注意。He created a diversion while his partner stole her pocketbook.他制造事端转移女孩的注意力,他的同伙则趁机偷走了她的钱包。We may be able to save him, provided that the cancer cells within his body do not metastasize in the next three months.如果他体内的癌细胞在三个月之内不转移的话,我们还有可能救活他。Before we could explore the matter further, some new evidence diverted our attention.就在我们要对此事作进一步调查之前,一些新的证据转移了我们的注意力。Rioters created a diversion by setting fire to vehicles close to the police station.暴乱者在警察局附近放火焚烧车辆以转移警察的注意力。They're diverting our attention from the real issues.他们在转移我们对关键问题的注意力。The newest medical research discovered that cancer cell metastasis had traceable signs.医学上最新的发现是,癌细胞的转移是有迹可寻的。The world no longer defers to their interests.世界上的事不再依据他们的利益为转移了。You can divert attention by talking about someone else.你可以通过谈论别人来转移注意力。The army lifted people off rooftops where they had climbed to escape the flooding.军队用飞机将那些爬上屋顶躲避洪水的人们转移了。The President needed to divert attention away from his own economic record.总统需要将人们的视线从他以往在经济上的表现上转移开。As soon as we realised something was wrong, we moved the children away.我们刚意识到有什么不对劲就把孩子转移了。Remember to divert your phone when you are out of the office.记住,离开办公室要设定电话转移The local story distracted attention from news of the war overseas.当地的新闻报道转移了人们对国外战争新闻的注意力。People who live along the coast are being evacuated as the hurricane approaches.飓风即将来临,住在海岸边的居民正在转移Some say the investigation is a blind to keep the public's attention off the governor.有些人说,这次调查是为了转移公众对州长的注意力而设的幌子。They are trying to deflect attention from the troubled economy.他们正努力把人们的注意力从糟糕的经济上转移开。It was as though he had been spirited away.他似乎被悄悄转移了。




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