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词汇 hopes
例句 An alliance of radical opposition parties hopes to gain a parliamentary majority in tomorrow's poll.一个激进的反对党联盟希望在明天的议会投票中获得多数席位。The company is considering layoffs but hopes to avoid a consequential loss in productivity. 公司正在考虑裁员,但希望避免由此导致的生产力下降。A run on sterling has killed off hopes of a rate cut.对英镑的抢购已经完全扼杀了降低汇率的希望。The goal raised/lifted the hopes of the team.那个进球为球队增添了希望。New attacks by the enemy poured cold water over our hopes of peace.敌人的新攻势给我们对和平的企望当头泼了凉水。 The company hopes to pursue similar deals with other providers.公司寻求与其他供货商达成类似交易。I've deferred some hopes. I scramble to keep even.我推迟购买几种想要的东西,我要尽力做到收支相抵。The administration hopes that such measures will consolidate its position.政府希望这些措施将巩固其地位。The delegation hopes to reinforce the idea that human rights are not purely internal matters.代表团想要强化这样一个观念,即人权问题不仅仅是内部的事情。The White House hopes to shift the media's attention away from foreign policy issues.白宫希望把媒体的注意力从外交政策问题上移开。He set out several principles that he hopes will guide his successors.他制订了几条原则,希望可以引导继任者。She hopes to be hearing the patter of tiny feet very soon.她期盼着不久会有个小宝宝。She hopes to avoid conviction.她希望不会被定罪。The delay in the programme has dashed Japan's hopes of commercial success in space.该计划的拖延使得日本在太空获得商业性成功的希望化为泡影。Hungary may have to lower its hopes of shrinking its state sector.匈牙利也许不得不降低对缩减国有经济部门的预期。Participants are encouraged to give voice to their personal hopes, fears and dreams.参加者被鼓励要把自己的愿望、担忧以及梦想表达出来。Retail sales fell, disappointing hopes of a rapid recovery.零售额下跌,使迅速复苏的希望破灭了。The announcement dashed hopes of an early end to the crisis.这一宣告使得人们期盼危机早日结束的希望落了空。Sam has high hopes of going to university next year.萨姆很有把握明年上大学。We have great hopes for the coming year.我们对来年寄予了厚望。I may be able to arrange something, but please don't get your hopes up.也许我可以安排一些事情,但是请你不要抱太大的希望。The Trust hopes to raise $1 million to buy land.这家信托机构希望能筹集到一百万美元购置土地。She's been lagging at the polls, but hopes to recover/recoup lost ground with tonight's debate. 她在民意调查中一直落后,但她希望通过今晚的辩论收复失地。The heavy frosts had ended hopes of a good harvest that year.那年严重的霜冻打破了人们丰收的希望。She hopes to study ecology at college.她希望上大学读生态学。The school hopes for recognition by the Department of Education.该校希望得到教育部的认可。Every time he plays he carries the hopes of the entire nation.他每次比赛都承载了整个民族的希望。Chris is pinning his hopes on getting into Yale.克里斯把希望寄托在进耶鲁大学上。He's an associate member of the club but he hopes to become a full member soon.他是俱乐部的准会员,不过他希望尽快成为正式会员。He hopes to go to Egypt one day.他希望有朝一日能去埃及。Her hopes lay in tatters.她的希望破灭了。The government hopes to curtail public spending.政府希望缩减公共事业开支。After years of losing money the company is starting to break even and hopes to make a profit soon.多年亏损之后,这家公司开始收支平衡,希望不久就会赢利。I don't want to build up her hopes if he's not coming back.如果他不会回来,我不想让她抱有希望。She hopes to return to work next week.她希望下个星期重新开始工作。Their hopes of victory were starting to look dim.他们对胜利抱有的希望开始显得渺茫。His hopes of success did not come to pass.他成功的希望落空了。I would have told you about this earlier, but I didn't want to get your hopes up.我本来想早些告诉你,但是我不想让你抱太大的希望。We can accept the management offer or we can fight on in hopes of getting a better offer.我们既可以接受管理层提出的条件,也可以继续斗争,看看是否能够争取到更好的条件。The Vietnam War dashed President Johnson's hopes of a second term of office.越南战争使约翰逊总统连任的希望破灭了。




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