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词汇 hoops
例句 He had the duty receptionist almost jumping through hoops for him. But to no avail.值班的接待员几乎为他费尽了力气,但还是没用。The child's hoops kept her parents awake all night.孩子的咳嗽声使她父母彻夜未眠。We had to jump through hoops to get our visas in time.为了及时获得签证,我们必须下一番苦功夫。She wore gold hoops as earrings. = She wore hoop earrings.她戴着大金耳环。They bowled their hoops along the road.他们沿路滚铁环。It shouldn't be necessary to jump through hoops to get a computer to work properly.让计算机正常运行不需要费多大劲儿。We had to jump through hoops to get my Dad admitted to hospital.我们必须克服种种障碍才让医院收下我父亲。We had to jump through a lot of hoops to get a loan from the bank.我们得办理许多烦琐手续才能得到银行贷款。Prop the cover up on wire hoops or canes with a flowerpot on the top.用铁丝环或杆子把盖子架起来,上面放一个花盆。The dogs had been trained to jump through hoops.这些狗受过跳圈训练。Let's play/shoot some hoops.我们一起来投投篮吧。She was wearing large gold hoops in her ears.她耳朵上戴着一副大大的金耳环。I opened a tin of spaghetti hoops.我打开一罐意大利面圈。




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