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例句 The valves are located just forward of the fuel tanks.阀门位于油箱的正前方。Now that I feel more relaxed about my performance, I'm looking forward to the game.现在我对自己的表现已感到很放松,所以我热切地期待这场比赛到来。He swung the wheel back to port and pushed the throttles forward.他重新向左舷打舵轮并推油门。Wes hunched his shoulders and leaned forward on the edge of the counter.韦斯耸起双肩,身体前倾靠在柜台边上。From that time forward everybody shunned him.从此以后,所有人都有意回避他。The committee set forward several practical proposals.委员会提出了几项切实可行的建议。He leaned forward to give her a kiss.他俯身向前吻了她。I'm looking forward to the match next Saturday.我盼望着下周六的比赛。We're moving forward on a variety of fronts.我们在各种领域正取得一定进展。The captain of the winning team was called forward to receive the cup.获胜队的队长被邀请站出来领取奖杯。She enjoys her clinical practice but is looking forward to working in a laboratory.她喜欢临床实践,但还是期待能在实验室工作。Next, please! = Will the next person please come forward?下一位,请过来!They dashed forward in contempt of danger.他们不顾危险冲上前去。The kids are looking forward to their vacation - they've never been to California before.孩子们期待着这次度假一他们以前从未去过加利福尼亚。He had worked hard and was looking forward to his retirement.他一直努力工作,盼望着自己退休的那一天。He put forward a plan for improving the rate of production.他提出了一个提高生产率的计划。I'm looking forward to Sunday, the only fly in the ointment being the fact that I'll have to sit next to my mother-in-law.我期待着星期日的到来,唯一令人不快的是,到时我必须坐在丈母娘旁边。The children craned forward to see what was happening.孩子们伸长脖子探头向前看发生了什么事。We look forward to strengthening still further our already close co-operation with the police service.我们期盼着进一步加强和警方的合作,形成更加紧密的合作关系。One by one they came forward, mumbled grudging words of welcome, made awkward obeisances.他们挨个儿走上前去,勉强地咕哝出几句欢迎词,生硬地鞠躬致礼。Different hypotheses have been put forward to explain why these foods are more likely to cause problems.人们已经提出不同的假说来解释为什么这些食物更有可能带来问题。It's no use sorrowing over the bad times of the past. Look forward to the future.对过去的不幸时光神伤是无用的,要向前看。His father motioned him forward.他父亲示意他向前走。She stumbled forward, her legs leaden.她蹒跚着往前走,两条腿像灌了铅一般。They motioned me to come forward. = They motioned me forward.他们示意我上前。The government has brought forward new proposals to tackle the problem of increasing crime.政府提出了解决犯罪率上升问题的新计划。He gently opened the throttle, and the ship began to ease forward.他轻轻松开油门杆,轮船开始缓缓前行。She leaned forward to touch the dog but quickly drew back when she saw its teeth.她俯身去摸那条狗,但看到它的牙齿后马上退了回来。Penelope came forward and embraced her sister.佩内洛普走上前拥抱了她妹妹。The rain will bring forward the young crops.这场雨将促进作物幼苗的生长。I'd been looking forward to making her acquaintance for a long time.我很久以来一直盼望着与她结识。The crowd lunged forward, trapping the people at the front against the fence.人群猛地向前冲去,踩踏着前面靠在栅栏边的人。The officer ordered the soldiers to press their advance forward.军官命令士兵们继续向前强行军。Is there any chance of moving forward the negotiations?有可能把谈判日期提前吗?A vital witness came forward to say that she saw Tanner wearing the boots.一位非常重要的证人站出来说她看见坦纳穿着那双靴子。The President is to put forward new proposals for resolving the country's constitutional crisis.总统将提出解决国家宪法危机的新议案。The dinghy surged forward with each stroke.每划一次桨小舢板都会向前猛冲。He bent forward and laid a kiss softly upon her forehead.他弯身向前,在她额头上轻轻一吻。Brassard rested his elbows on the table and leaned forward.布拉萨德把胳膊肘支在桌子上,身体前倾。The driver kicked the car forward.司机突然加快车速前进。




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