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词汇 forwards
例句 The horse jumped forwards and round her, winding the rope round her waist.那匹马围着她向前跳,把绳子绕在了她腰上。Let your head tilt forwards.头低一点。She pressed the gas pedal and the car leapt forwards.她踩下油门,汽车向前冲了出去。The boat surged forwards as he slackened the rope.他松开缆绳,小船起伏着向前驶去。The shuttle moves backwards and forwards through the warp.梭子在经线中来回移动。Take two paces forwards/backwards.向前/向后迈两步。Travelling backwards and forwards everyday cost him too much money.每天来回花了他太多的钱。Take a move forwards one square.朝前走一格。The carriage is on leather braces and rocks backwards and forwards.四轮马车套上了皮革牵索,前后摇晃着。Paul paced anxiously backwards and forwards.保罗焦急地来回踱着步。We had adjoining rooms at the hotel, so we could just go backwards and forwards between them.我们在旅馆里的房间都是相连的,所以我们可以穿梭其中。The forwards were more than a match for their opponents.前锋要比他们的对手强。Row upon row of women surged forwards.一排排的女人涌上前去。Father Brogan began to pace backwards and forwards.布罗根神父开始来回踱步。Draw the floss backwards and forwards between the teeth.将牙线在齿间来回拉动。She fell forwards on to her face.她一头栽倒在地。The bus stopped suddenly and we were all thrown forwards.公共汽车猛地停住,我们都被抛向前面。I spent days walking backwards and forwards between the boss's office and my own.我有好几天时间都在老板办公室和我自己的办公室之间来回穿梭。The sudden application of the brakes plunged him forwards.突然的刹车使他猛地一个前倾。He stood a few moments, rocking back and forwards on his heels.他站了一会儿,踮着脚跟前后摇晃。The boat throbbed on, nosing forwards.船突突响着慢慢向前行驶。As the plane touched the ground, there was a massive jolt and we were thrown forwards.飞机着陆时剧烈震动,我们被猛地甩向前方。Police helicopters buzzed backwards and forwards over the area all day.警方的直升机整天在那个地区的上空嗡嗡地飞来飞去。People travel backwards and forwards to and from London.人们来来回回出入伦敦。I pushed my way forwards to the front of the crowd in order to get a better view.我一路推挤到人群前面以便看得更清楚些。They owed much to their forwards for some fine efforts in the loose.该队多亏前锋在争球时作出几次出色的努力。She gently rocked the baby backwards and forwards.她轻轻地前后摇晃着婴儿。Space scientists and astronomers have taken another step forwards.航天科学家和天文学家又取得了进展。He controlled the car until it was pointing forwards again.他稳住车子,直到它又朝前开去。People should forget and look forwards.人们应该忘记过去向前看。Playing four forwards puts too much pressure on the defence.派出四名前锋会对防守造成太大压力。The train jerked forwards.火车猛然往前一颠。She practiced her part until she knew it backwards and forwards.她反复练习自己演的角色,直到非常熟练。Clicking his tongue, he urged the horse forwards.他用舌头发出咔哒声策马前进。The train stopped unexpectedly and we were jolted forwards.火车突然停住了,我们都猛地向前晃了一下。The power forwards of both teams ended up in a scrum for the rebound.两队的大前锋为了争夺篮板球而扭打。He felt the great machine thrust forwards with unbelievable power.他感到这台大机器以不可思议的力量向前推进。Kip stumbled backwards and forwards before falling down.基普前后摇晃了几下,摔倒了。He rocked the cradle with a gentle backwards and forwards motion.他轻轻地前后晃动摇篮。He released the handbrake and the car jumped forwards.他松开了手闸,车猛地向前冲去。




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