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词汇 for years
例句 He expatriated himself for years at Paris.他移居巴黎多年。There had been signs that their marriage was on the rocks for years.有迹象表明他们的婚姻多年来一直有问题。Rachel and I have been going there for years.雷切尔和我多年来常去那里。It was a poor reward for years of devoted service.长年尽职尽责地工作,这点报酬太少了。Email messages are stored on backup tapes for years.电子邮件信息在备份磁带上储存多年。The reverberations of his actions will be felt for years to come.他行为的负面影响将会延续多年。He's been on the dole for years.他多年来一直领取失业救济金。The old coat has been kicking around the closet for years.那件旧上衣一直被扔在壁橱里已有多年了。 The orchestra contrived to produce some of its best playing for years.这支管弦乐队呈现了精彩的演奏,堪称其多年来的巅峰演奏。Deer have been poached here for years.多年来这里一直有人偷偷地猎鹿。She's been struggling financially for years.她多年来一直生活拮据。She has been ailing for years.她已经病了好几年了I haven't been in this neck of the woods for years.我已经好多年没有到这里来了。The government has for years been trying to destroy the muscle of the trade unions.数年来,政府一直在试图摧毁工会的力量。I'd hardly cooked a proper meal for years, and I was wondering if I could still pull it off.我有好多年没有做过一顿像样的饭了,不知道还行不行。Some of us have been out of work for years.我们中有些人已经失业好几年了。He and his father, according to local gossip, haven't been in touch for years.当地风传,他和父亲已多年未联系了。He dwelled in the same town for years.他在同一个镇子住了多年。Lawsuits about titles to land often drag on for years without settlement.涉及土地所有权的官司常常会拖好几年还得不到解决。I had been denying this anger for years.我多年来一直拒绝承认会为此而愤怒。Famine has plagued these countries for years.这些国家遭受饥荒多年。After observing politics from a distance for years, I've decided to run for office.我远观政治数年,现已决定竞选公职。He has been in trouble with the law for years.他多年来一直在法律上有麻烦。He was taken ill, and little wonder, considering that he had been overworking for years.他病了,这并不奇怪,因为几年来他一直操劳过度。She lives someplace up near Portland, and I haven't seen her for years.她住在波特兰附近的某个地方,我几年没见过她了。They've lived in southern Texas for years, but have never been south of the border. 他们在得克萨斯州南部生活了多年,却从来没有到过边界南面。She never married but she kept a lover for years.她没结过婚,但多年来一直有个情人。She struggled with depression for years, but she's more centered now and able to live a full life.她与抑郁症抗争了多年,但如今她的心态更趋平和,能够充分享受生活了。The effects of Josie's experience could last for years, doctors say.乔茜的经历要影响她多年,医生是这么说的。This is, in the opinion of the critics, their best record for years.评论家认为这是他们几年来最出色的唱片。He began to keep a journal and was faithful to it for years. 他开始写日记,并坚持了多年。The tabloids have been using her love life as cannon fodder for years.多年来这些小报一直把她的爱情生活当作吸引读者的小料。She had been ailing for years before she died.她去世前几年就一直病魔缠身。He has been sponging off us for years.多年来他一直靠我们养活他。This problem has vexed researchers for years.这个问题已困扰研究人员很多年了。That lazybones has been sponging off his brother for years.那个懒汉多年来一直靠兄弟养活他。You can't wear that – maxi shirts have been out for years.你不能穿那件衣服,超长衬衫早就过时了。Because the cell destruction is gradual, a victim's pancreas can function normally for years.因为细胞破坏是渐进的,所以患者的胰腺可以维持正常的生理机能长达数年。He worked for years in the movies.他在电影界工作过多年。Owen has been active in the Las Vegas underworld for years.欧文在拉斯韦加斯的黑社会里活跃了许多年。




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