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词汇 thud
例句 The coffin closed with a dull thud.棺材合上时发出一声闷响。I heard a shot, followed by a thud as his body hit the floor.我听到一声枪响,紧接着是啪的一声他倒地的声音。There was a dull thud as the box hit the floor.箱子掉到地上发出一声闷响。I caught the muffled thud of a car door slamming in the street.我听到街上一辆汽车关门的一声闷响。Baby boomers hit middle age with a thud.生育高峰期的那代人突然发现自己已到中年。The ball landed with a thud.球砰的一声落地。I heard a heavy thud on the roof.我听到屋顶上砰的一声重响。We heard the squeal of brakes and a sickening thud/crash.我们听到了刹车的刺耳声和使人揪心的砰的一声/碰撞声。There was a sickening thud when the child fell from the tree and hit the ground.那个孩子从树上摔到地面时,很令人心悸。There was a dull thud from the flat above.楼上房间传来沉闷的重击声。A book hit the floor with a thud.书砰的一声掉在地板上。His head hit the floor with a sickening thud.他的头撞在地板上,发出砰的一声,让人听了心惊肉跳。He heard a dull thud.他听到一声闷雷。Much of their study and revision was done to the thud of hammers and pneumatic drills.他们学习和复习时大多都伴着锤子和风钻沉闷的敲击声。He hit the floor with a sickening thud.他撞到地板上,发出一声令人厌恶的闷响。There was the constant thud of bombs exploding in the distance.远处不住传来嘭嘭的炸弹爆炸声。She tripped and fell with a sickening thud.她被绊了一下,砰的一声摔倒了,吓人一大跳。I heard the regular thud thud thud of running shoes behind me.我听到身后有跑鞋发出有规律的嗒嗒声。He fell on the floor with a thud.他砰的一声摔倒在地板上。My heart had started to thud, and my mouth was dry.我的心开始咚咚跳,嘴里发干。There was a heavy thud as his body hit the floor.他的身体撞到地上时,发出了沉闷的响声。Then he heard a piercing scream echoing down the deep well, ending in a dull, dead thud.接着他听见深井里回响起一声刺耳的尖叫,然后是砰的一声闷响,再之后就什么也听不见了。Suddenly we heard the thud of horses’ hooves.突然,我们听到了得得的马蹄声。The boot made a dull thud as it hit the ground.靴子掉在地上,发出砰的一声闷响。His head hit the door with a sickening thud.他的头撞在门上发出砰的一声,让人听了很难受。She felt her heart give an extra thud.她觉得心怦然一跳。We heard the thud as the book fell to the floor.书掉到地上时我们听到砰的一声。The book hit the floor with a thud.书砰的一声砸到地板上。A snowball hit her on the back of the neck with a soft thud.雪球打到她脖梗上轻轻地发出噗的一声。There was a sickening thud as his head hit the ground.他的头撞在地上,发出一声可怕的闷响。




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