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词汇 here
例句 As an interloper, your presence here is not welcome.作为一个搅局者,你在这里是不受欢迎的。If he wants to carry on living here, he's going to have to change his ways and learn to be a bit less messy.要是他想继续在这儿住下去,就得改改样子,学着干净整洁一点。I came here by taxi.我是坐出租车来的。My name is Roseanne and I'm in here for heroin addiction.我的名字叫罗丝安妮,我是因为吸食海洛因上瘾来到这里的。You're late but you're here and that's what counts.你迟到了,但你毕竟来了,这才是最重要的。The actress, who is already a goddess in her own country, is finally getting recognition here.那位在她自己国家备受追捧的女演员,终于在这儿也得到了认可。At any rate, Grace Kelly's cool and sublime bearing was on fine display here.至少,格雷丝·凯莉沉着超然的风采在这里有了很好的体现。They'll have to take me out of here in a box.他们休想让我离开这里,除非把我装进棺材。If it's any consolation to you, the weather here is also awful.这里的天气也很糟,不知这是不是对你来说算点儿安慰。I am sure that, given the great community spirit here, the fund-raisers will not give up.我坚信,这里有如此高涨的社区精神,募捐者是不会放弃的。Okay, so I wasn't born here, but I've spent a lot of time here.好吧,就算我不是在这儿出生的,但我已经在这儿生活了很长时间了。He will be here directly.他马上就到。The people here are descended from the Vikings.这里的人是维京人的后裔。East of here is mostly farming country.这里的东部大多是农业地区。The overriding need here is to end the civil war.这里最迫切的需要就是结束内战。She lives just up the street here.她就住在街这边。The bullet marks on the wall spoke of the fierce fighting that took place here.墙上的弹痕说明这里曾发生过激战。I'm telling him we don't want all that stupid stuff here.我要告诉他我们这儿不需要那些烂东西。Is it safe to walk here?在这里行走安全吗?We had to rely on a compass and a lot of luck to get here.我们不得不依靠指南针和不错的运气找到这儿来。It is extremely hot/cold in here.这地方热/冷得很。I don't think you left it here, but I'll take a look around for it.我认为你没把它落在这里,不过我还是会在周围找一找。What do people do for thrills around here?这附近的人们靠什么取乐?Why don't you come over here tomorrow evening.你明天晚上过来吧。Managers don't really get paid much here, but most of them are working a few fiddles.这儿的经理工资并不高,但他们大多数人都用这样那样的手段在骗钱。Let's get the hell out of here.我们赶紧离开这个鬼地方吧。I'll be here first thing in the morning, and meantime she'll get some rest.我一早就来这里,其间她可休息一会儿。She left here yesterday.她昨天离开了这里。She read through her essay and struck out a few words here and there.她将论文通读一遍,在一些地方删去了几个字。Nick's sorry he couldn't be here, but he sends his love.尼克很抱歉他不能来这里,但是他向你问候。We've tried to talk him into coming with us, but he's adamant about staying here.我们竭力说服他跟我们起走,但他坚决要留在这里。I need to escape. I want to go away from here.我得逃出去,我要离开这里。Can I park my bags here while I get something to eat?我要去买些吃的东西,可以把包寄存在这儿吗?We need to pick up on what's going on here.我们需要了解一下这里的情形。Let's open the windows to get some circulation in here.我们打开窗户透透气吧。I'm tired of waiting. Fuck it, let's get out of here.我都等烦了。滚他妈的,咱们走吧。It's hard to keep track of time in here.在这里很容易忘了时间。Come here, Tom.汤姆,到这儿来。Did you grow up around here?你是在这里长大的吗?Well, I've never ridden a motorbike before, so here goes!噢,我以前从来都没开过摩托车,现在就看我的吧!




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