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词汇 academically
例句 She's very bright, but she's not academically inclined.她很聪明,但在学术方面没有天赋。The children were doing well academically.孩子们在学习方面表现很好。He did well enough academically to be accepted at many colleges.他学业成绩优秀,很多大学都愿意录取他。I am not an academically-minded person.我不是一个喜欢作研究的人。I didn't exactly excel academically and I left school as soon as I had the chance.我学业不佳,所以一有机会就辍学了。I was only average academically, but was good at sports.我学业水平一般,但擅长体育。I was fine at sports, but pretty hopeless academically.我体育不错,但学习却很差。He failed to shine academically.他在学业方面并不出众。He is academically gifted.他在学习上很有天分。Girls tend to do better academically in single-sex schools than in coeducational ones.女生在单性学校中的成绩往往会比在男女同校中的要好。The audience was academically oriented.听众都是关注学术的。I'm glad your pupils have done so well academically.我很高兴你的学生学业如此优异。Most of the children were of above average intelligence but had dropped behind academically and lacked confidence.大多数的孩子智力高于平均水平,但是他们在学习上落后,并且缺乏自信。He is academically-challenged, as the politically correct would say.按政治上正确的人们的话说,他是个在学术方面遭到挑战的人。I felt there was a lot of pressure on me to achieve, both academically and socially.我感到有许多压力逼着我去努力获得学术上和社会上的双重成功。Many religious schools perform well academically.许多教会学校学业成绩非常好。He played the field academically, obtaining doctorates from several universities.他在学术上活动范围很广泛,在几所大学获得博士学位。He found the course academically challenging.他觉得要在这门课上取得优异成绩具有挑战性。She's academically able and athletically outstanding.她学业优秀,体育方面也很突出。They are poorly prepared academically.他们在功课方面准备不足。




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