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词汇 helpless
例句 They are not merely helpless victims.他们并非无助的受害者。The abuse of the helpless prisoner made him bitter.对无助的囚犯横加虐待使他怒火中烧。Depression can render a person helpless.沮丧会使人感到无助。She was no helpless, timorous female.她决不是柔弱胆怯的女性。I felt helpless in the face of all these rules and regulations.在所有这些规章制度面前我感到一筹莫展。Most drugs can be produced quite successfully without inflicting pain on helpless animals.大多数药物均可以在无需折磨无助的动物的情况下成功研制出来。John felt completely helpless.约翰感到十分无助。He bleated his objections in a helpless rage.他怒不可遏地颤声表示反对。Why are you so afraid of a helpless old woman?你为什么这么害怕一个连自己也照顾不了的老太太?She's not the helpless boob she seems to be.她并不是外表看上去那样的无助的傻瓜。I feel helpless. Isn't there anything I can do?我感到无计可施。难道我就毫无办法吗?We found that we were totally helpless, and our women came through for us.我们觉得自己万分无助,而这时我们的女同胞们向我们伸出了援助之手。He was near to death, and I was helpless with fear.他濒临死亡,我无法抑制心中的恐惧。You feel so helpless because there's nothing you can do to make the child better.你觉得如此无助是因为你没有办法让那个孩子病情好转。Kirk stood helpless before this giant of a man.柯克站在这个大汉面前束手无策。The newborn young are helpless creatures.新生的小动物弱小无助。He began to feel depressed and helpless.他开始感觉沮丧、无助。My colleague and I looked at each other and then dissolved into helpless laughter.我和同事互相看着对方,然后情不自禁地笑了。I felt helpless, but tried to gather my wits.我感到无助,但尽量让自己冷静下来。She was helpless with anger.她无法抑制自己的愤怒。They felt helpless to do anything about it.他们对这事感到无能为力。She was rendered helpless by panic.她惊慌失措。The crowd was helpless with laughter.人群情不自禁地发出笑声。He looked helpless sitting there all alone.他一个人坐在那儿,显得很无助。The boat lay almost helpless in the trough of the waves.小船几乎无助地在浪涛里颠簸。We both collapsed into helpless giggles.我俩都忍俊不禁,咯咯笑了起来。All their efforts seemed helpless.他们的一切努力似乎是徒劳的。He lay helpless in the hospital ward.他无力地躺在医院病房里。He looked at her with a helpless expression on his face.他表情迷惑地看着她。Often he teased me till my temper went and I stamped and screamed, feeling furiously helpless.他经常和我开玩笑,直到我生气地跺脚尖叫,却又无可奈何。You'd better wise that young man up, he's helpless!你还是点拨点拨那年轻人吧,看他都束手无策了! They were helpless from so much giggling.她们咯咯地笑得全身无力。Parents often feel helpless, knowing that all the cuddles in the world won't stop the tears.父母经常感到无助,明白再多的拥抱也无法阻止孩子流泪。This witticism reduced both of them to helpless laughter.这句俏皮话让他俩不由自主地大笑起来。Frightened and helpless, Alvin wondered if they might kill him.阿尔文又害怕又无助,他怀疑他们是否会杀了他。Newman threw out a hand in a helpless gesture.纽曼伸出手去做了个无助的手势。Oh, to think of his poor wife, standing there helpless噢!想想他可怜的妻子,无助地站在那里。Children are dying, and I am helpless to do anything.孩子们已奄奄一息,而我却无力做任何事情。She looked so tired and helpless that my heart turned over with compassion.她显得疲惫不堪,无依无靠,使我从心底里产生同情。His mother's death left the boy feeling utterly helpless and alone.母亲的去世令这男孩感到孤苦伶仃。




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