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词汇 slash
例句 You can use a slash here.这儿你可以用斜线号。She suffered numerous slash and puncture wounds to her arms and upper body.她的手臂和上身有多处刀伤和刺伤。There was a horrible slash on his arm.他的手臂上有条吓人的细长伤口。He threatened to slash the man's throat.他威胁要割破那人的喉咙。The consumers welcomed the slash in meat prices.消费者欢迎削减肉价。A slash is usually overgrown with bushes or trees.沼泽低地通常是灌木丛生或长满树木。My new dress is pale blue, with a dark blue slash in the sleeves.我的新衣服是淡蓝色的,在袖口上有一个深蓝色的装饰性开叉。He cut my cheek with a quick slash of the knife.他挥刀划伤了我的脸颊。The knife made a slash across his leg.刀在他的腿上划出一道口子。He got out of the car to have/take a slash.他下车去小便。The memory of the slash of her mother's white hand across her face made her do as she was told.一想起母亲那白皙的手抽在她脸上的耳光,她便对母亲言听计从。The sword made a slash across his arm.剑在他的手臂上划出一道口子。The government has decided to slash taxes.政府决定大幅度减税。You often write a slash between alternatives, for example, "and/or".通常在选择项之间会加斜线号,比如“和/或”。Car makers could be forced to slash prices after being accused of overcharging yesterday.昨天被指控要价太高之后,汽车生产商可能会被迫大幅度降价。Traditional slash and burn farming methods have exhausted the soil.传统的刀耕火种农业方式耗尽了土地的肥力。The company rejected a slash-and-burn type restructuring program.这个公司拒绝采用大量裁员的重组计划。I need a slash.我想撒尿。




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