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词汇 slapped
例句 His cheek stung where his mother had slapped him.他脸上被母亲扇过耳光的地方火辣辣的疼。Dornberg slapped the table with the palm of his hand.多恩伯格用手拍着桌子。She slapped him right across the face. 她扇了他一个耳光。Critics really slapped the play around.批评家们对那出戏大加苛责。The boss slapped down their idea of taking a nap on the job every afternoon.老板断然拒绝他们提出的每天午后在工作场所小睡片刻的意见。The barman slapped the cup on to the waiting saucer.酒吧服务生麻利地把茶杯放在了茶碟上。The officer slapped him hard across the face.军官使劲掴了他一耳光。She slapped me right in the kisser.她一巴掌正好打在我嘴巴上。He slapped some cream cheese on the bagel and gave it to me.他往硬面包圈上随便涂了些奶油干酪,然后拿给我。She slapped him in the face. = She slapped his face.她给了他一记耳光。He slapped the book onto the table.他啪的一声把书摔在桌子上。Simon slapped him heartily on the back.西蒙起劲地拍了拍他的后背。Jimmy slapped his hand over his mouth.吉米用手拍打自己的嘴。The government slapped import quotas on foreign cars.政府对外国汽车强制实行进口限额。She slapped the boy on the leg.她拍了拍男孩的腿。John laughed, then playfully slapped Steve across the shoulders.约翰笑了,然后开玩笑地在史蒂夫肩上拍了拍。The man with the gold tooth leered and slapped his hand on her knee.那个镶金牙的人淫笑着拍拍她的膝盖。She slapped him across/in the face.她抽了他一耳光。He slapped me a tearing backhander across the face.他反手扇我一记耳光,我的脸撕裂般地痛。The company slapped together a Web site and then waited for the customers to come pouring in.公司仓促建了个网站,然后等着顾客拥入。She slapped him across the face and stormed out of the room.她打了他一个耳光,然后猛冲出房间。He slapped the book down on the desk.他啪的一声把书放在了桌上。He slapped the papers down.他重重地把报纸放下。The judge slapped the company with a fine for polluting the river.公司因污染河流被法官处以罚金。I slapped his face a couple of times to try to bring him round.我在他脸上抽了几下,想让他苏醒过来。We want to sell our house, so we've slapped some paint on the outside to make it look better.我们想卖掉房子,所以就把外面简单地刷了些漆使其看起来漂亮些。She slapped his hand away.她把他的手打开。The court has slapped a ban on the video.法庭断然查禁了这部录像。I slapped/patted him on his/the back to congratulate him.我拍了拍他的背以示祝贺。She slapped butter on the bread.她往面包上涂了许多黄油。Dan fell about and slapped his thighs.丹笑得前仰后合,直拍大腿。She slapped his face with unexpected force.她扇了他一耳光,出乎意料地用力。She slapped his face.她抽了他一耳光。The judge slapped on an additional fine.法官追加了额外罚金。She slapped him and called him names, but he didn't react.她打他并辱骂他,但他不予回应。He turned and I slapped him right upside the head.他转过身,我啪地打中他的头。He slapped a sack of cement down.他砰的一声重重放下一袋水泥。I slapped a sandwich together as I was running out the door.由于急着出门,我赶做了个三明治。The court slapped a murder rap on him.法庭当场以谋杀罪判他刑。Gentle waves slapped the side of the raft.细浪拍击着筏边。




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